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Sunday, June 11, 2023

Thanks for the Hydrangea Pictures!

I told him that I saw Hydrangea flowers when I stayed in Lembang. He knows that I love flowers, so back then when we were together, he frequently gave me flowers (of course from the shop not from picking it from the plant, it is forbidden). He also knows that I always appreciate his sincerity. 

Presently, we are separated, but it does not mean we lost the chance to take and give the flowers. Indeed I cannot receive it physically, but I can feel the tenderness and the beauty all the flowers that he sent through the pictures he took. Below is the pictures of Hydrangea flowers that he presently captured.


It is not an issue if I cannot touch or smell directly. The primary thing is the positive energy that appears every time I see it. I always tell him how grateful I am for his presence in my messy life. He always there even in my worst. God, please water him with all your kindness. I know, we are different, but let's just cherish our present! Only God knows our future.

Anyway thanks a bunch for the wonderful pictures of Hydrangea flowers! Truly love it!

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