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Sunday, April 23, 2023

Eid Fitr in Sukabumi

It was my first time praying Eid Fitr in Sundanese land, for the whole life I spent it in a small space in Lenteng Agung, except for 2 years in Sapporo. Regardless of my bad mood either from my real feeling or from PMS, I felt excited as it was my first experience to gather with a huge number of people in a large field. We followed the day decided by the government, which was on Saturday, 22 April 2023.

Thanks my brother for inviting me to Sukabumi. Last 2 years, I was with mom, but this year it is only me, (sad). I remember exactly, it was our (permissible) escape from dad, and we were really happy. This video I made last time, tell it all. 

Mom, don't worry about me, I underwent the heaviest Ramadhan successfully, now it is time to celebrate with cheers. 

Happiness is on the air like those balloons
The people went back home after the prayer

My nieces patiently waited us praying, they deserved the angpao

my brother, my sister in law's cousin and my brother's second daughter, me, my sister in law, my brother's first daughter

Minal aidin wal faizin

Mohon maaf lahir dan batin

I know I have many sins either intentional or unintentionally

Dear my beloved reader,

I apologize for any mistakes

 "The time has come for every soul to purify heart. For every man to begin a new life. For us let all mistakes forgiven, forgotten. Amen. Happy Eid Mubarak!" -anonym

-Let me also start a new life, a n(ew)u rul(e)...

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