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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The Easy-to-Break Glass


your glass is made fragile.

For how more times does your glass need to be broken?

In total, you already had 4 broken glasses.

I guess you really know that

when broken, the pieces cannot be united back into the prior glass.

You always need to create new one.

I know that the process is complicated. 

Indeed, you took times.

Now, store your glass in the safest place.

Do not let the people use it.

Those people who ever used your glass,

don't know how to handle it.

They broke it,

they don't value it.

So, they don't feel if it is necessary to take responsibility.

Your glass is not the same as the glass in the shop.

When broken, means to buy.

Your glass,

when broken, nobody cares.

It's only you who know the value.

That's also why it's only you who always sweep the shatter.

Then you created the new one.

But,  still you didn't learn.

You gave it again to the people,

broken again.

Even your Dad, did break your glass.

Don't you feel exhausted?

The current situation is already tiring.

I am afraid if you would pass out. 

Therefore, don't burden your self.

Keep the glass.

But, it doesn't mean you cannot share again with the people.

You can.

But not now.

I hope you learn.

To share it only to the people, 

who can guarantee you not to break your glass.

Even better, if they can guarantee it for your whole life.

I told you this,

because I do care for you.

Take a rest.

Don't faint.

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