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Thursday, January 05, 2023

Today's Reminder: Keep Your Words

Waking up today with the following quotes. Making me to note how powerful words are and to be more sensitive in the society. Regardless of it, people are not perfect that create mistakes. But I believe, people can change to be better. Including me, the full of sins person. Wish there is always rooms for me to improve. 

 "When you say you will do something and don't do it, you teach others (including yourself) that you cannot be trusted." -Anonym

"When you don't keep your word, you lose credibility" -Robin Sharma

"If you say you're going to do something, then do it. Otherwise keep your lies to yourself" -Michael L. Ceorgoveanu

"Keep your words soft and tender because tomorrow you may have to eat them". -Anonym

"It's better not to make a promise than to make one you can't keep" -V.C. Andrews

"People with good intentions make promises. People with good character keep them." -Anonym

"People ask me why it's so hard to trust people, and I ask them why is it so hard to keep a promise" -Anonym

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