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Friday, January 20, 2023

Sometimes I just wanna...

"sometimes I just wanna scream out loud all the things that I'm hiding inside, but I just can't" -someone in twitter


Sometimes I just wanna drown to deep to mute all the noises, but I just can't

Sometimes I just wanna run at the furthest possible to escape from the pain, but I just can't

Sometimes I just wanna jump hitting the rock to destroy the headaches, but I just can't

Sometimes I just wanna be in cave to hide the shadow, but I just can't

Sometimes I just wanna sleep all day to avoid the world, but I just can't

Sometimes I just wanna stay awake to skip the nightmares, but I just can't

Sometimes I just wanna punch the 'evil' witch to die, but I just can't

Sometimes I just wanna slap my dad to wake him up, but I just can't

Sometimes I just wanna hug my mom to get the warm, but I just can't

Sometimes I just wanna cry to dry to clear out the sorrow, but I just can't

Sometimes I just wanna dance under the rain to neglect the mess, but I just can't

Sometimes I just wanna shut down to end everything, but I just can't

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