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Sunday, July 24, 2022

Family Farm Adventure: A Game Review

Do you think playing games can be addictive? Yes I think so. I have experienced it. 

It was when I was in Junior High school I spent most of my free times by playing games either un computer or in phone. My phone at that time was Nokia N-Gage, featured with gamers friendly keyboard, so I felt comfortable, too comfortable until I was too much with phone. 

Since, life gets harder as my age older, so I quit playing games to focus studying. The reality is, life never gets easier, new challenges, new problem appears, so I never touch games again. 

Until lately, feeling stress is unavoidable. Not only about works, personal problems, business, and particularly Covid19 pandemics, made myself stressful. 

I tried to cope my stress by watching Korean drama, playing musical instrument, and recently, I started again playing games. It's not an easy decision. I need to make my self determined not to be addicted.

So I was really careful which games are safe to be played that will not make me addicted. If I am okay, I may recommend this game as well to you as a choice for you to play during your free time without any worries of addiction. 

I chose: Family Farm Adventure because of 3 reasons:

Firstly, the important one it does not make me addicted, because the main character is only be played if it has energy. So if it does not have energy, I stopped playing, I need to wait for more hours waiting until the energy full by the time. Of course, there is a way to get energy quick, by buying it online, while myself, I am determined not to spend money at all for games. So I chose to wait rather than to buy. So as the overview, I played for 15 minutes, then stop for 2 to 4 hours and play it again. I still can do my works, and in free time while having lunch or after work, I play. 

Secondly, it is not boring. It contains so many stories. Family farm is a game wherein the goal of the game is to gain money from farming so the main story is in a farm. 

Between that routine activities, the main character is invited to get into some stories. For example, brought into story in mermaid island, robot island, cowboy island, etc. 

There, the creators set some tasks and rewards if we are able to complete the task. The stories are so entertaining. What I didn't expect, after completing each story, the creator asks for feedbacks, so they can improve it, this is showing how  t he creators put efforts to satisfy the user, I really appreciate it. 

The last but not least, the graphic is so beautiful, I like the colors, the drawings, and the background, so detail. So while playing, my eyes are satisfied. 

In conclusion, Family farm adventure is recommended games that will not get you addicted because of the time setting is suitable for working persons that you can leave the game anytime, it contains entertaining stories, and beautiful graphics. 

Talking about addiction, even though you have set strategies, again it is about your self control. If you don't have the control, how good is your strategy, you may still fail and end up being addicted again, so firm yourself first before playing any games.

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