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Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Move On!

Have you ever experienced hearing bad news? Shocking information that can change your steady life totally different. For example, just what we all have undergone so far: the unwanted Covid19 pandemic. I was gathering with my friends in my friend’s house, discussing our live traditional dance performance while snacking and drinking hot chocolate bought from 7eleven perfectly matched with the minus 10 degrees Celcius in white winter. Who knows, that terrible life-threatening disease attacked the comfort of living? 

In my case, we were shocked and still didn’t believe that. But, it was real! All my good plans ruined. My dream to bring my family to Japan to see my graduation, wear hakama, a beautiful traditional custom only wear once by students at the graduation, and have a farewell dinner plan with my beloved sensei with his family and my family, getting my dream job in a well-established company, but unfortunately, they hold my recruitment until Covid19 is no more in the world that we never know when exactly it will be, so all my good plans were all diminished. Chaos is everywhere, all over the world. 

What did you do at that time when you heard about the Covid19 outbreak for the first time? And what changes did you undergo? 

Everyone feels the same, don't you? The feeling is like you want to shout out loudly. Thousands of times asking why this happened to me. Why my life was so miserable. And all the bad-mouthing probably you yell. 

But your shouting will never change what just happened. It is ok to cry, to share your feelings with others. But do not drown too deep into your sadness. You need to move on! Nothing will be changed so what you can do is only two. 

Firstly, well accept it. This happened out of your control. Just accept for what it is. Your acceptance at least reduces your annoyance, reduce your stress so then you can recover your mental health. Because I know, at the time you feel stress, when it already reaches its maximum level, it can interfere your health physically, I experienced that things, I felt the tremor, hard to breathe, dizzy, but after I tried to accept that one, inhale and exhale deeply frequently, my physical health goes back normally, so the best medicine is to have a good acceptance. Forgive what just happened to you. Keep in your mind, nothing happens without a reason, be excited to welcome a better version of it. 

The last, stand back, gain your spirit. Create a new plan. It's okay if your good plans ruined, why not you create a new plan? For example, if I couldn't bring my family to Japan, why not create another plan to bring them at another proper time in the future? You still can have it, so move on! Work hard and do not give up. 

Hence, in conclusion. At the time when you hear bad news, do not drown too deep into the sadness, move on! Well accept it and gain your new spirit! Keep believing, you must have a better version later in the future. 

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