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Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Six-Layered Ice Cream

One day in summer vacation time, I hung out with the laboratory members. Accurately, we had a vacation called laboratory trip. We picked blueberries, plumps, and other fruits that I forgot the name, Nikka whiskey museum, and other fun places.

I am not going to talk about how we spent the whole day, but I want to share, about ice cream. I love ice cream. Every time when possible to buy ice cream during the trip, I asked my sensei to stop by for a while. 

The ice cream did look hard, but in fact, it was not hardened. So soft and easy to melt. 


Another one, exactly looked so soft, additionally I got 6 layers. As a slow eater, I was in a disaster. We were in hurry, but I couldn’t go back to the car if I couldn’t finish it. My friends had finished it just in a minute. Looking at me in trouble, my sensei allowed me to enter the car with the ice cream, but I could see from his mind that I should not make his car dirty. Luckily, I did my best.


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