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Friday, April 17, 2020

My Apartment

Only 15 minutes by bicycle from my new apartment to the laboratory, this was what I needed, closer to the workplace. There were 2 rooms: living room and bedroom, ain’t I lucky! The apartment agent told me that this apartment was rarely empty because this was popular. That’s why I was so happy.

In this building, we were three Indonesian people. My neighbor, Sion, showed me her sunflower hang on its rack in her kitchen. Lovely! 

She inspired me to put flowers in my living room, so I bought a lot of synthetic flowers from DAISO, then I arranged it into handmade vase. Could you spot my flowers? It was on the table behind my friend who wore black t-shirt.

Could you see the difference between my first time I moved in and after I spent more time. Haha, after I stayed longer time, I kept buying new things, so now my living room became crowded. Didn’t we laugh! Hahaha.

Anyway, instead of synthetic sunflower I bought, my super kind close friend gave the lively sunflower. Wonderful!

ain't I lucky!
didn't we laugh!

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