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Saturday, April 18, 2020

Interview by Myself: Study and Career Plan

Shall we start the interview?
Yes, please.

Could you introduce yourself?
Of course, I am Nurul just graduated from Hokkaido University, to make it brief, visit my page here.

Why exactly did you pursue master degree?
Firstly, I did have the dream to study higher to get advanced knowledge after completing my pharmacist profession program as I realized my skill was still not enough for my dream career. However, I couldn’t tell my desire to my parents as I didn’t want to leave them far away, so I planned to do job hunting rather than pursuing higher education. In a miracle, somehow my parents were moved by my professor and excited to support me to pursue higher degree. Wow, God granted my wish with His own way. I was grateful.

Who supervised your research?
Taniguchi sensei supervised my research. His English was awesome as he experienced staying in English speaking country for some years. His skills in organic chemistry either knowledges or experiments was excellent. He often receives award for his best performances. Thus, I was blessed to be guided by him, he was the best teacher, he could bring me from zero to hero, from zero knowledge of organic chemistry into a skilled organic chemist. As I was only a master student, 2 years of study was not enough for me to publish my work, that’s one which I felt unfortunate.

Will you continue to PhD so you can continue publishing your works?
Almost everyone asked about this, but I would say, no, because I have another dream. Anyway, I was proud of my friend from the same batch who was able to publish his work.

Whose paper had been accepted?
Philip’s papers. Not only one, I heard more than 2. I was glad to hear that as I supported his dream to become one of the best scientist. I didn’t blame myself for not doing my best, I did my best already but there were some factors that restrained me from publishing it. In addition, I didn’t plan to become academician, so I am okay with it.

Leaving Japan already?
Yes, correct. I have already been 3 weeks in Jakarta, Indonesia.

What is your plan in Indonesia?
As I have mentioned before, I am not going to become academician. My dream is to become practitioner as a scientist, so I want to work in a company where I can deliver my passion in chemical, biology, and pharmacy. Now, I am doing job hunting. Wish me a good luck.

Why did you leave Japan? Why not stay longer in Japan? Didn’t Japan provide better work experiences in your field?
I left Japan for contributing to Indonesia where my heart stays forever. I grew up in Indonesia, so I am for Indonesia. And as you know already that I got the scholarship from Indonesian government, so I must come back after completing my study. I know Japan provides better opportunities, but if everyone thinks the same way, who will develop our beloved countries? So, I will just take my small role as one of the contributors for Indonesia by coming back home. I know, I am still fresh graduate with lack of experiences, but I believe, slowly but sure, if I get good opportunities to deliver my passion and use my skills, somehow, I can participate in developing our country sincerely. I hope God bless my path.

I see, that’s all for now. I hope all the best for you. Ganbatte kudasai!

Shall we
Why exactly

Without auxiliary:

A special pattern with why:
Why not stay

Question word as subject
Who supervised
Whose paper had been

Question word, more detail:
What is your plan

Negative questions:
Didn’t Japan

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