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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Hello Tokyo!

If not because of PPIH (Indonesian Student Association in Hokkaido), I mightn’t have had visited Tokyo for my first time. The head of PPIH was not able to attend, so I came instead of him. The conference was on Saturday, then we stayed overnight in KBRI house. We slept well there. Below picture was at the time when we were about to separate for our own's destination. A girl with the hat was unique, I seldom wear a hat while wearing hijab, I had to admit she looked stylish. I was wondering why she wore hat.

Personally, after getting harsh sunlight in Tokyo in summer, I was babbling like Tokyo is no better as is much hotter rather than Hokkaido, I didn’t think I could survive during the high hot wave in Tokyo, so I felt like I wanna go back to Hokkaido soon. But, at least, I should enjoy 1 day for a short trip. I didn’t know when I will have the other chances to visit Tokyo.

It was Alvin, my friend from the same batch of scholarship who led me during my one-day trip in Tokyo. He was so kind. He studied in University of Tokyo as known as Todai so firstly, I asked him to guide me to his campus. As we got hungry, he chose sashimi instead of Indian foods, he said, it was one of the best restaurants near the university and I could eat. It was my first-time eating sashimi.
I rarely eat raw fish, I usually experience eating raw fish when I go to sushi restaurant, but honestly, I prefer grilled one. But there, in sashimi restaurant, I couldn’t find grilled one, so I chose the one which is raw, and it was so delicious. I must confess I became sashimi lover since that time. We went to Todai not long afterwards.

After that, we went to Tokyo Sky Tower, there were also some malls and we went there. We went to Pokemon shop, but I was little enthusiastic as I no longer watched Pokemon which the last one was when I was kid, but when he brought me to Studio Ghibli Shop, I was on fire. However, only few things I found in that shop, I bought some cute postcards. If I wanted to see all about Studio Ghibli, he suggested me to visit the museum and the ticket should be ordered a month before. I thanked him for telling me, if not, I didn’t have the idea to order the ticket far before the visit. As we were exhausted, for a while we were looking for some seats. As expected, there were none left so we decided to move.  

I had scarcely visited Disney sea and other attractive spots in Tokyo as one day was always not enough for satisfying my eyes. Since I should avoid getting missed by the plane so I decided to take the JR train to the airport earlier and said goodbye to him. I was grateful for meeting him because I will get lost without him.  

Although hot during summer, Tokyo is never a stranger for me, surely, I will come back as Tokyo has already become a part of my second home, dear my lovely Japan.

Not with a verb
Mightn't have 

Not in other position
Not long afterwards
Instead of
Rather than

Other negative words
No better
No longer

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