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Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Sensei Managed to Win!

During the summer trip, we stayed in a hokudai dormitory. After the weary of sightseeing outside, we had dinner and took a rest in that house. Most of the rooms had sliding doors (traditional style). I was in charge of processing the chicken. Certainly, I made sure already that the chicken brought was halal. They said, it was delicious. 

The Japanese students and sensei got drunk already because of the alcohol. After dinner, they asked me to join playing board game. It was my first time that in the middle of the game I was about to win, but my sensei managed to win after all, though weakened by the alcohol. Unbelievable!

We just transited in that house for sleeping, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy the surrounding. It was so beautiful, just in front of the house, a sea with a clear sky and white cloud was there. So peaceful.


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