1. Chicken tikka (prepared using this procedure I wrote before)
2. Butter
3. Oil
4. Purple onion (use a lot to make the texture thick)
5. Black pepper
6. Bay leaves
7. Clover
8. Cardamom
9. Star anise
10. Cumin
11. Tomato (use a lot to make the texture thick)
12. Garlic-ginger 1:1 paste
13. Red chili powder (2 teaspoons)
14. Garam masala (1 teaspoon)
15. Coriander (1 teaspoon)
16. Celery stalks
17. Chest nut or yogurt (here, I used yogurt)
18. Salt
19. Sugar
20. Fried potato
1. Stirfry the ingredient no. 2 to 10 on hot oil and butter (make sure all of them cooked well, if not cooked, the taste will be very bad, the key step is when frying the onion, do this first, wait until it get brown).
3. To make the texture soft, transfer them into a blender.
4. Meanwhile, on a different frying pan, heat the oil and butter, put bay leave and spices (cardamom, clove, star anise, black pepper).

5. Filter no. 3 into frying pan no. 4.

4. Meanwhile, on a different frying pan, heat the oil and butter, put bay leave and spices (cardamom, clove, star anise, black pepper).

5. Filter no. 3 into frying pan no. 4.

6. Add chicken tikka and fried potato, mix them well.
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