1. Oil
2. Butter
3. Purple onion
4. Black pepper
5. Bay leaves
6. Clover
7. Cardamom
8. Star anise
9. Turmeric
10. Yogurt
11. Pandan leaves
12. celery stalks
13. Biryani rice
1. Heat the oil and butter.

2. Stifry purple onion, wait until it cooked or get brown.

3. Add wisely from no. 4 to 10. Srir them well until they get really cooked (in this stage you can put meat, in my case, I didn't)
4. Prepare the biryani rice and put it in the rice cooker.
5. Transfer the mixture no. 3 on top of the rice.

6. Add water up to 1.5 of finger joint (more than normal rice).

7. Add the pandan leaves and celery stalks.

8. Start cooking.
9. You can have your biryani masala with boiled egg. Yummy!

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