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Saturday, May 11, 2019

How To Make Risol Mayo

Really easy to make this. See!

1. Lumpia Skin

2. Egg

3. Dolo Chicken Luncheon Meat (you can just replace it with other processed meat)

4. Mayonnaise

1. Boil the egg.

2. After boiled, to remove the egg skin, it's easier to immediately take it out and put it in cold water. Wait for a minute, then remove the skin. It will be perfect.

3. Cut the boiled egg and Dolo Chicken Luncheon Meat into pieces

4. Put some piece of boiled eggs and Dolo Chicken Luncheon Meat on the lumpia skin.

5. Fold it

6. Heat the oil, then fry until cooked.

7. So easy, isn't it?

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