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Monday, May 06, 2019

How To Make Lumpia Indomie

This is the simplest and easiest dish that I like so much. Everything with Indomie will be tasty. This recipe, I made Indomie with lumpia. The way to make it is as follow.

1. Indomie (this time, I use Indomie Mi Keriting Rasa Ayam Panggang)

2. Lumpia Skin

3. Vegetable oil

1. Cook the Indomie as its instruction in its label.

2. Prepare the lumpia skin, put the Indomie on its top.

3. Wrap it like the picture below.

4. Heat the oil, then fry it.

5. In a minute, you got the Lumpia Indomie.

6. You can cut it into pieces and put mayonnaise or other toppings you like.

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