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Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Inspired by the last meeting in Sapporo Pioneers Toastmasters Club in February which was talking about motto, here I want to talk more about my motto, I quoted from Audrey Hepburn, "Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, the word itself says I'M POSSIBLE". I always believe this saying every time I feel down, every time I think that it's impossible to get something, every time I think that I may not succeed and will just end up with failure. It's okay, it's natural to have those bad and negative feeling.

However, if we want to reach something badly, we have to get out, we have to move forward. Try and work hard, harder and harder. If your first try was a failure, do not give up, try again, again and again, until, in the end, you will meet the success. Do not let the failure stop you, just believe that you can do it as long as you try it harder and harder. 

Let me give you an example from my own life. 

I was always becoming the best student in elementary school, junior high school, until high school. However, it was so difficult to become the best when I entered the best university in Indonesia. My friends of mine in my faculty were coming from the best high school from each district. No wonder, they are smart. I spent 5 years in Faculty of Pharmacy: 4 years for undergraduate study and 1 year for pharmacist program. 

In my third years, my grade score was not satisfying, could not be compared with my other friends. However, at that time, I still had a dream to become the best. I studied hard until when I graduated from the undergraduate study, I was ranked 12th. I was satisfied. However, when I looked at my parents, they didn't look happy. 

I felt bad, I want to make them happy, so I was determined to do my best in my one-year pharmacist program. I knew it looked impossible, how come I compete with other smarter 11 students. I just kept trying and studying hard, reducing outside activities, until it was paid. In the graduation ceremony, I received a Novell award given by Novell Pharmaceutical Company which rewarded me as I became the best second graduated student from Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy, Industry Specialization. 

I did it, I proved it to my parents that nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, I'M POSSIBLE to become the best student. What is priceless was when I received the warmest hug from my parents and looked them happy. 

Hence, everyone, do not underestimate your dream. You will get it if you work hard and do not give up. 

"Dream, and God will embrace your dream" -Andrea Hirata.

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