In Sapporo, there are limited halal restaurants I can go to. One of my favorite Muslim-friendly restaurants is Indian foods. I like naan and its chicken curry. Sometimes, I wonder how to make it. One day, my friend brought her lunch and showed her flatbread. I saw it and I could see that it looked similar to naan. I asked her how to make it and she showed me a video she watched. You can see it here. Now, from that video, I tried to make it, however, I did some modification by adding cheese in between two layers. Here how I made it:
1. Flour
2. Yogurt
3. Baking powder
4. Salt
5. Sugar
6. Mozzarella cheese
5. Mix them all together, if the thickness is not enough, you can add a little amount of water, but do not put so much. You may also still able to adjust the saltiness and sweetness in this step.

6. After it becomes a good dough, prepare the cutting board, put a little amount of flour to make it easy to roll the dough.

9. Put the flat layer of dough.
13. Of course, you can have it with Indian chicken curry, if you are curious about the Indian chicken curry recipe, you can visit this.
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