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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Hello new stone!

[Picture Source:]

A little stone is still not coming to the surface
Since no strong wave or hands to pick
The other stones?
Are still in their place

Fishes, crocodiles, weeds,
Worms, snails, eels.
are in one picture now
Hang on the wall

the water brought electricity
All became collected
In a different spot

A little stone met with other stones


Too strong, the energy
A little stone was cracked
No tape in the lake

A calling was shouted from the surface
It's okay
while a new stone was thrown into the deep
in the same spot

Not bad.
Wish not too deep

Once again,
for sure, 
the little stone will come up on the surface
With or without other stones
Anyway, hello new stone!

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