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Thursday, December 13, 2018

Sapporo Winter Wonderland

I couldn't be happier, for real, I could be in the middle of the winter season. It was like a dream comes true.

When I was a kid, I watched a lot of princess stories like Cinderella, Rapunzel, Beauty and the beast and so on which the situation took place the in winter season when there are snowfall, snowball, and snowman. So beautiful! Seeing those beautiful white things from the television, made me dream to witness and feel it for real.

I think it was not only me but also most of the Indonesian kids have those kinds of dreams. Seems easy but absolutely difficult for us since we are living in 2 seasons country where only dry and rainy seasons that we have. We are never able to see the beauty of the snow.

For sure, when I woke up, I saw the first snowfall, I immediately recorded it on my phone to memorize it. To memorize how my dreams when I was kid became true.

However, in the first week of the winter season, I was so busy. I couldn't enjoy the winter taste. Therefore, in the near future, I plan to travel around, see the illumination, play the winter sport, and make the snowman.

Happy Winter Sapporo People. Please, enjoy because you have to know that there are some kids in the different part of the world envy you so much!

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