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Friday, July 27, 2018

The Tiny Stone

[Picture Source: Adatur,]

A tiny stone was thrown into a very deep lake.
There were fishes, weeds, crocodiles, and a broken boat.
Too deep to get back.

The water was nice.
Clear and so healthy.
The blue of the sky, the green of the trees, were able to be seen from the depth. 
So beautiful.

The water became red,
every time the crocodiles brought their preys,
the blood of the preys was mixed with the water.
So awful.

So many stones stayed on the soil surface in depth of the lake.
Those stones had already been positioned in the same area,
due to the movement of the water flow.
The tiny stone was still finding its stable place.
It seemed not possible to get the same place as the other stones.

The water flow kept moving it.
Sometimes hit the fish,
sometimes hit the crocodile,
or sometimes stuck in the weeds.

As it kept moving,
it kept the tiny stone moving forward,
The loneliness didn't limit it to reach the surface,
Indeed, the loneliness brought it to be lighter to get the surface.

for sure,
it will return back to the original place,
the mainland.
Above the depth of the lake.

No worries.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

How To Make Sayur Godok

Eid Fitr is not complete without Sayur Godok, it is nice to eat together with Rendang or Opor Ayam. It doesn't mean that Sayur Godok only can be eaten during Eid Fitr celebration, of course, you can eat it every time you like. Here are the ingredients (the amount is the same as the picture below):

1. Chayote or other suitable vegetables. (When I am writing this, I was in Japan so I could not find chayote, instead, I used another suitable vegetable that I thought they have the same appearance and taste as chayote. I used radishes and other vegetables that I like, for example, cabbage and pumpkin. Nevertheless, if you are easy to find chayote, just use the chayote. 

2. Red Chili

3. Garlic

4. Shallots

5. Shrimp paste

6. Galangal

7. Coconut milk (in this post, I used the powder version one, it's okay too if you use the liquid one)

8. Salt

9. sugar

10. Flavoring

11. Coconut oil

12. Water

The Procedures:

1. Grind the red chilies firstly, then grind the shallots, garlic, and shrimp paste. Smash the galangal.

2. Heat the oil, put the seasoning no. 1, fry it until cooked.

3. Pour the water and the coconut milk.

4. Put the vegetables, while waiting until it's cooked you can adjust the taste with the salt, sugar, and flavoring.

5. Yeah, so easy isn't it?