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Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Why LPDP Scholarship?

Not long ago, Indonesia loses numerous valuable students. They studied overseas, they learned something beyond the education of Indonesia can afford to give. They were so valuable so they were the hope of the future of Indonesia. But, they never come back.

Indonesia in the past, Indonesia now, or Indonesia in the future may not have a significant change since the agent of change, those valuable students, they never showed up. 

They may have found their soulmate, got married, and lived happily with there family there for a longer time. They may have also been offered by a great company with a convenient place, good supporting system, or a great salary. 

Getting married, working, or staying overseas for a long time is their decision to choose. They do have the rights to choose. The decision not to come back to their home country is not wrong. 

Some people may have talked about their decision. They accused them of betraying the nation, accused them of not having the nationalism. 

I know, everyone has their own rights to speak, as long as what they say is true. The decision of not coming back to the home country, I believe, it's not because they don't have the nationalism. They may have the reason behind it.

For example, Prof. Dr. Ken Kawan Soetanto, a holder of 4 doctorates at once from 4 universities in Japan: Tokyo University, Waseda University, Tohoku University, and Tokyo Institute of Technology, had ever been interviewed by Andy F. Noya in his Kick Andy Show on Metro TV, he asked him why he didn't want to come back to Indonesia. He said, "No future, so what?" He explained more that, in Indonesia, there is no field for him to work on based on his expertise.

Let's think again, imagine that you are a mother or a father. You have a beloved daughter. Due to a great opportunity to live offered by a foreign couple, your daughter chooses to live with them, your daughter chooses to leave you. How do you feel as her mother or her father? You must feel really broken hearted right?

This is also what happened to Indonesia. If Indonesia is the mother and those valuable students are her children. Indonesia must feel so broken hearted being left by her beloved children. Even though Indonesia really understands that it's their own rights to choose, but still, they have left wounds in Indonesia. 

Nevertheless, Indonesia didn't want to be trapped in the endless sadness. Through the mandate of UUD 1945, at least 20% of the Indonesian budget is allocated for the education function. Some of the funds are managed and allocated by LPDP or Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education from Ministry of Finance of The Republic of Indonesia. LPDP gives full scholarship for the Indonesian students who have a dream to study master/doctorate degree either in domestics or overseas.

I know there are so many kinds of scholarship offered to Indonesian students, but there are also so many ways to make LPDP different.

I searched for the comparison between LPDP and other popular scholarship, and I found a comparison from this link. A comparison between DIKTI, AAS (Australian Award Scholarship), and LPDP.

Besides that, there are other benefits from LPDP scholarship, LPDP pays for your international journal publication, pays for your health insurance, pays for something emergency that may happen to you, and give an incentive if you are accepted in one of the top university in the world if you are able to finish minimum 6 months earlier.

For example, if you are accepted in Harvard University, your living allowance is US$ 1900, then the incentive you will get is around 78 million IDR. You will be so rich and may have a really fancy wedding party.

If you still doubt about LPDP scholarship, you can do further research, to compare to other popular scholarships like StuNed, Full Bright, Chevening, or MEXT, then you will be surprised how generous Indonesia through LPDP is, LPDP gives the best offer for its own citizen.

All of the benefits of the LPDP scholarship is one of the ways for Indonesia to keep the valuable student to come back to their home country once they have finished their study.

Remember what Prof. Dr. Ken had mentioned before, he said that Indonesia didn't have the future for his expertise to work on. Departing from this, LPDP encourages the awardees to collaborate and synergize each other since the number of awardees is fascinating. Until now, it almost reaches more than 15,000 awardees. So then, LPDP help to create the supporting system for the awardees to collaborate and synergize each other, to create their own future to work on because LPDP believes the future is you the one who create it.

A win-win solution. The students are benefitted by having the experience to study overseas, while LPDP is benefitted by your contribution. So, don't worry about the future because once again,

The future is you the one who create it.

Therefore, there is no doubt that LPDP Scholarship is the best offer for Indonesian students to study overseas.

If you are eager to be one of the LPDP awardees, just visit my post in this link 1 and link 2 to know a detail information step by step including some tips to get the LPDP scholarship.

That's all from me. I beg your pardon if you find any mistakes in my writing. I hope you can get what you want here. Bye byeeee....

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