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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

How To Make Rendang

In the next few months, Indonesian Moslems will celebrate the Eid Fitr. Usually, the main dish for the celebration besides Ketupat is Rendang. Here the ingredient that you need (the amount is as much as the picture below):

1. Red Chilies

2. Cumin

3. Candlenuts

4. Garlic

5. Shallots

6. Turmeric

7. Ginger

8. Galangal

9. Lemongrass Leaf

10. Coriander Seeds

11. Turmeric Leaf

12. Meat

13. Salt

14. Coconut Milk

15. Sugar

16. Coconut Oil

17. Water

1. Prepare the seasonings which consist of the red chilies, cumin, candlenuts, garlic, shallots, turmeric, ginger, coriander seeds, and salt. Grind and mix them well. 

2. Smash the galangal and lemongrass leaf.

3. Heat the coconut oil in the frying pan.

4. Put the seasonings no.1 and the smashed galangal, cook them well.

5. Add the coconut milk, mix them well. 

6. Put enough water, mix them well.

7. Add the meat.

8. Put the smashed lemongrass leaf and turmeric leaf. 

9. Cover the frying pan with its cover.

10. Wait until the meat cooked. During this process, you can add another salt, sugar, water, or coconut milk according to your taste. I spent more than 1 hour to make the meat cooked. 

11. Now, your Rendang is ready to be served. 

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