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Sunday, March 04, 2018

Discussion Room: How To Obtain LPDP Scholarship

Hello fellow UI Toastmasters and guests. 

Welcome to my blog.

I am really happy to have you in this discussion room. As I have mentioned before in the invitation via whatsapp or email, we are going to talk about how to obtain LPDP Scholarship. 

Here are the links that you have to read before we are going to discuss the topic.

All of the things, step by step to obtain LPDP Scholarship have been explained in those links. 

Now, if you have any comments or questions regarding those posts in the links, you are welcome to write them in the comments box provided below. 

However, there are some rules to note down before:

Firstly, you have to understand that every comments or question will be moderated, so don't be surprised if your writing doesn't appear. It has to be approved by me as the moderator first and if I agree to publish it, your comments or questions will appear. 

Don't worry, as long as your question is still related to the topic, I will approve it directly. I turned the mode of comments setting like this since I was frequently getting inappropriate spam comments. 

Secondly, I will do the approvement or answering your comments or questions at 8 p.m start from tomorrow until the next day after tomorrow. 

This is not rigid. I am still flexible, anytime as long as I have the free time, I may approve and/or answer the comments or questions directly.

Thirdly, I would like to disclaimer that the discussion room I created here is used to have a discussion with you fellow UI Toastmasters and guests before I deliver my actual speech on Wednesday, March 7th 2018.

However, if you the reader still have some comments or questions related to the topic after I have finished the project of my speech. Don't worry, I am still open to having any comments or questions. Just feel free to ask. It's my pleasure to answer it.

Fourthly, please put your name below your comments or questions so I will easily identify with whom I am discussing with. 

The last, without further ado. Let's start the discussion. Feel free to comment or give some questions below. 


Nurul Fajry Maulida, CC
A member of UI Toastmasters Club since 2015


  1. Dearest Nuri,

    I've read both of your writings. I am just wondering as follows:

    1. Do you still remember or have the list of questions during FGD and interview section?

    2. What do you the biggest component that Made the panel committee to decide you as LPDP recipient?

    3. What is the total amount of money you've spent in the preparation of LPDP from the beginning up to the end?

    4. What is the best English test to be taken in terms of budget and time?

    Thanks.... Have a nice day all 😃

    Emriati Samosir

    1. Thank you my beloved mom in UI Toastmasters Club for your questions, TM Emri. I will answer it one by one.
      1) I do still remember about the questions during the Leaderless Group Discussion (LGD) and the interview.

      Before that, I would like to correct about your question, there is no FGD, LPDP uses LGD rather than FGD, the principal is different, LGD focuses more on the participation of the whole members who are not allowed to be the dominant or the passive one, every one has the same rights of time to speak. So, a tips to succeed in the LGD, try not to be the dominant or the passive one. Focus more on your idea and time you spent to speak which has to be in the average times spent by the whole members.

      About the list of the questions, there is only 1 questions in the LGD session in my experience, we were asked to give a solution about a case correlated to the Food Sovereignity.

      While in the interview session, I have a lot of questions but the main questions are:
      a. Please describe about yourself!
      b. What is your study plan?
      c. Why do you choose that university?
      d. What kind of contribution that you have made?
      e. What is your plan after finishing your study?
      f. What kind of contribution that you will make for Indonesia?
      g. Have you ever experienced an inner conflict and how do you solve it?
      h. Please give us 3 adjective of yours!

      2) From my experience, the biggest component that made me become a successful applicant was the interview session. As long as the interviewers agree with our study plan, the contribution that we will make, and like our personality, I believe every one can be a successful applicant.

      3) I spent around 2 million IDR, 1 million for doing TOEFL examination test twice (I was failed in my first trial, I didn't give up and took the test once again, the fee for each TOEFL test at that time was around 500k IDR). Then, I spent another 500k IDR for the total health examination, and the rest for a litle things that I have to pay, for example books, transportation, other little things.

      I didn't spend so much money since I learned for the English Proficiency Test by my own self. I just depended on the book I read, the application I downloaded that help me understand about the test, and joined a group discussion that allowed the member to learn together. For the person who learned English by joining an English Course may spend more money than me, for the exact amount, I didn't know it clearly, some of my friends told me that he spent for about 6 million IDR only for the English Course.

      4) In terms of budget and time, I suggest TOEFL ITP, TOEFL ITP offer cheaper fee, at that time, I only spent 500k IDR, for IELTS, my friend told me that he spent for the test around 3 million IDR. In terms of time TOEFL ITP offers a prediction test, so if you aren't ready enough to face the real test, you can have the prediction test which only requires you to pay around 100k. If your score in prediction test is not good enough you are able to study harder again to achieve your target score, if your prediction test has already been good, you can start to face the real test. While, my friend told me that IELTS doesn't have the prediction test, so ready or not, you have to face the real test and accept the score whatever it is.

      However, I heard that LPDP from now on doesn't accept the TOEFL ITP any more (except for the affirmative applicant) for the regular applicant is encouraged to choose between TOEFL IBT or IELTS. I suggest you to have IELTS since from my friend's experience, the speaking section in TOEFL IBT is more difficult than in IELTS. Because in TOEFL IBT, the speaking section is conducted using computer, while in IELTS is conducted with a real human.

      I hope my explanation can answer your questions TM Emri. Have a nice day too :)

  2. Hola ka nuri, really inspiring blog that actually make me nervous hehe. So I have three question i'd like to ask

    1. Since getting medical check up takes lot of time, is there any maximum time for the certificate of our recent health condition?

    2. You went to ACBI to meet the professor, is it a mandatory for us to go there? What are the benefit in meeting them?

    3. About the spot writing and lead discussion, how can we know which session that will be using, in order we can prepare it?

    Thank you kak, Wish you have great experience in doing your study, Cayo!

    1. Hola Laudzaaa, thank you for the questions. I am curious why do you nervous hehe, my blog is just an ordinary blog.

      About your questions, I'll answer it one by one too.

      1) It seems that I have ever heard about it, even though it doesn't state in the guidance book, I suggest you to have the medical check up with the maximum time for the certificate not more than 6 months.

      2) No, it's not a mandatory for us. I just went there as one of my attempt to get a place to study. Firstly if you would like to study in Japan, before applying for the registration, you have to find a research supervisor. There are so many ways to get the research supervisor, for example by sending email directly to your prospective supervisor or by attending a meeting that is allowing you to meet your prospective supervisor and then you will have the time to discuss more.

      My effort to get the supervisor is by joining the ACBI, so I can meet numerous supervisor from various university in Asia. Then, I can have a discussion about what I am going to study or do research and to know whether my research is able to do under my prospective supervisor or not. So, basically ACBI is one of the events that allows the prospective students and prospective supervisor to meet and if they match each other, they can have further comunication through email to proceed the admission.

      Of course, there may be other events to allow you meet your prospective supervisor, you just need to wide your eyes to see the opportunity.

      This is the case if you are going to study in Japan.

      If you are going to study abroad besides Japan, they have their own mechanism. I heard from my friends that went to study in Europe, he just needed to submit the required documents, he didn't need to find a supervisor. So it is easier as long as you can have all the documents required.

      3) Both selections, either essay on the spot or the leaderless group discussion is conducted during the LPDP substantive selection. So, you have to prepare both of them.

      From my experience we never know what case or topic that you have to write in the essay on the spot, or what case or topic that you have to discuss in the leaderless group discussion. The committee are ignoring from what field you are, so you have to be ready to face every case or topic that may be not suited to your field of study or work.

      To prepare that, from now on you have to be more open minded by reading every kinds of news in the internet or newspaper, watching the news on the TV, or having a discussion with friends about the problem that occurs recently globally and so on.

      That's all. If you have any further questions, just let me know it by posting again your questions on the comments box provided below. I wish all the best for you too Laudzaa :D

    2. Wow so detail answer, thank you ka Nuri 😁. Btw the topic for motivation letter, is it always the same?

    3. Thank you Laudzaa.

      To be precise, in LPDP from my experience, LPDP doesn't know about motivation letter, but it's all about essays that you have to write.

      About the topic for the essays, it depends on the regulation applied, for my batch selection and for the next batch after me, we have the same topic for the essay which are "My Biggest Success", "My Contribution", and "My Study Plan".

  3. Halo ka nuri, very inspiring sharing about your journey to pursue your master degree schoolarship. based on your story I have some question as following:

    1. How long you have prepare for your english proficient?

    2. What is the biggest problem you have find during your progress for reacing your schoolarship?

    3. how you prepare for your recommendation letter? is there any special format from LPDP or I can make it by myself or my company format?

    4. How can you decide your future campus for your study? I mean By what reason you had choose your current campus for your next study now?

    5. what are LPDP search from each candidate to be selected?

    these are my question, I am looking forward from your kind answer.

    Bu Fitri :)

    1. Halo Bu Fitrii, it's my pleasure to have your questions.

      1. I have spent more than 3 months to focus on my English proficiency. I know, I was not gifted to master the English so I have to study hard to reach the target score.

      2. The biggest problem I have during the application is the English proficiency test. I almost failed since my first trial didn't reach the target. Fortunately, I didn't give up, I tried my second attempt, so relieved after knowing the result.

      3. There is no special preparation for the recommendation letter, you just need to have someone who will give the recommendation letter and yes, there is a special format from LPDP for the letter.

      4. I decide my future campus based on my research interest. I found my research supervisor from ACBI since we have the same research interest, and ya, I only choose with whom I will study or do the research not where I will study.

      5. LPDP search for students with good in academics, non academics, and personality.

      I hope, it's answered your questions :)


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