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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Those Yellowing Leaves

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One by one, those yellowing leaves fell, swung to the ground. There is no one who knows which one will fall first. One fell faster because it was eaten by the worm. One fell to the ground secondly because it was bumped by the wind. Another one fell hereafter to the ground because it was picked by a snot-nosed kid. 

Two beloved fresh green leaves, located on the same twig with the other leaves which have been yellowing and have fallen earlier, at this time both are becoming yellow as the time goes by. There is a feeling of worry that those two beloved leaves will fall. Certainly. 

The greenest, smallest, and youngest leaf is located really near to those two beloved leaves. Both have taught numerous things to the youngest leaf. How to catch the air, how to befriend with the butterfly, how to hold tightly to the twig, and so on. 

There is a wish to get yellowed together. There is a wish to always be in side by side. There is a wish to listen to the eminent chant of the wind blowing together. There is a wish to stare the glare of the blazing sun together. There is a wish to dance together with the twig wobble. Nevertheless, the youngest leave and those two beloved leaves are in different time zone. Will they always be side by side together and do every kind of things together until the end?

Those two beloved leaves which have been yellowing, at first were really close to other leaves that have been fallen earlier. Those falling leaves which have been fallen one by one, made them lose their strength to survive. Will they still be able to hold on the twig tightly? In the end, they will only be able to wait. Waiting for the answer to come by itself.

The youngest leaf insists on keeping doing everything together. The youngest leaf does not want to fall. The youngest leaf still wants to stare the wonder of the moon in the night together. The youngest leaf does not want to be left behind. The youngest leaf still wants to be in side by side together.

What can the youngest leaf do for the two beloved leaves?

Other four bigger leaves that are also located near to the two beloved yellowing leaves are busy playing with the butterfly. The fall of the yellowing leaves one by one, were not made them interested. Those colorful butterflies were more interesting than listening to the cricket song in the night together with those two beloved leaves.

Different with the youngest leaf. The youngest leaf keeps on insisting on enjoying every moment together with those two beloved leaves. Even though, it has to share its carbon dioxide (since those two beloved leaves are not as strong as when they were green to catch the carbon dioxide), although it has to put on weight his leaf directly to the blazing sun (since those two beloved leaves are easy to frail by the sunlight), although it has to share its water brought by its  xylem (since those two leaves' xylem is not as strong as before which can bring the water from deep inside the ground and move it up to the twig more than 3 meters above the ground surface). These things are done by the youngest leaf just only to be always together with the two beloved leaves, to convince both that they are still able to grip strongly to the twig, to give hope that both are still be able to survive.

What else that the youngest leaf can do?

Time is time, no one can blame the time. Everything has been arranged by the Almighty One that is having the time. 

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