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Thursday, June 29, 2017

How To Make Sayur Bayam

When you get sick and you don't have any appetite, you can consider Sayur Bayam as your menu since the taste is really simple and not containing so many seasonings. However, it's okay too to have Sayur Bayam at any time. 

Ingredient (the amount is as much as the picture below):
1) Spinach and corn

2) Carrot

3) Shallots

4) Tomato

5) Red chilies

6) Salt


1) First of all, you have to prepare all the ingredient. For the spinach, I suggest you, separate the fresh leaves with the withered one and also its trunk. We only use the fresh leaves.
Use only the fresh leaves 

Do not use its trunk and withered leaves

2) For the corn, use only the corn kernels. But it's okay if you would like to use the whole part of the corn.

3) Chop the carrot.

4) Then, prepare the seasoning by slicing the shallots, red chilies, and tomato.

5) Heat the water until boiling, then, you can add the seasoning.

6) Pour the corn kernels and chopped carrot into the pot.

7) Cover the pot with its cover, wait until the carrot and corn kernels become soften.

8) You can add the spinach.

9) Cover the pot with its cover, wait until cooked.

10) Finally, you can enjoy your Sayur Bayam :D

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