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[Picture Source: qa.com] |
Here, the fifth post of my LPDP scholarship journey, I would like to tell about what I was doing and how was my feeling after the announcement and also some materials that the awardee has to know.
I was accepted as the LPDP awardee on December, 9th 2016. It was announced through each applicant account on the website. I only told about the announcement result to my little circle: my beloved family, best friends, and research supervisors. I still kept the result to others because I still didn't believe it. I was still hesitant since the result was only able to be seen by each applicant account.
It's not like the announcement were published in a website page or stuck on the announcement board so every people were able to see the result. Hence, the result was really confidential, I only could see my own result whether I was accepted or not, but I was not able to see other applicant's result whether they were accepted or not. So, the things what made me still hesitant was the result was only me who knew it, I didn't have another person who could confirm my acceptance. My mind kept questioning whether it's true or not that I was accepted, no one could confirm it.
Besides knowing through my own account, an official email was also sent to my email, stated that I was accepted. Yet, I kept feeling hesitant. The email also informed me that there will be "Persiapan Keberangkatan" (PK) or in English literally "Departure Preparation" for the awardee. PK is the 5-full days of training provided by the LPDP for the awardee to grow the sense of nationalism and good personality. However, about when and where it will be held, there was still no further information. That's why I was still in doubt whether I was accepted or not since there was no further information. If you were me, you may feel the same.
Without certainty after the announcement, I filled my activity by continuing helping my research supervisor in his project, developing a hair tonic product. I worked in his laboratory, still in my faculty where I was graduated from. After two months without further information, then there was an email informing about what PK batch number I was in.
If I weren't wrong, there were around 500 awardees, so the awardees were divided into some batch of PK which comprises of around 100s awardees. I was informed through email that I was the part of PK-106. I felt sooo happy receiving the information. It erased my doubt whether I was accepted or not. Being the part of one of the PK batch means that you are truly the awardee because only the awardee of LPDP that will be invited to come to PK. But still, about when and where PK-106 will be held had not been informed yet.
Besides that, I was also informed about 3 obligations for every awardee to obey before attending PK which are deciding 5 persons as the batch representative, reciting the pledge of LPDP awarde and the LPDP Song Mars, and having PK-106 year book.
The method to decide who would be the representative of batch PK-106 was through a forum. The members of PK-106 are awardees coming from the various field of study background and various districts in Indonesia. Hence, it's impossible to have a forum face to face, so the forum was conducted through the mailing list. The overview of the representative is a team that will be the communication bridge between the PIC PK (an officer from LPDP who arranges the PK event) and the members of PK-106. So, there would be some meetings face to face between the representative and PIC PK for several times. Therefore, from my point of view, the representative should be a person who is located in Jakarta where the LPDP office and PK take place. However, PIC PK always says that the representative should be pointed more because of his/her leadership skill not because where he/she came from.
There were 3 persons who had proposed their own self as the representative. At that time, the forum still needed 2 more candidates. For some times I kept silent, but then, I couldn't stand it anymore. As the awardee who comes from Jakarta, I felt ashamed if I didn't take a role since most of the candidates who proposed their own self is not from Jakarta, but they had a really kind heart, for the sake of the batch of PK-106, they sincerely sacrificed their times. So, I decided to appear and propose my own self as one of the representatives. Since, I was remembered by the saying of PIC PK, not to point the representative based on his/her domicile, I told to the forum, that I was not interested in being the chief of the representative, but I was happy if I could help support the elected chief. One more person was needed, and finally, one person decided to join the team.
Five persons who would represent the PK-106 batch was invited to come to the place decided. After having a meeting to discuss more what the representative should do, we concluded that the representative member should be a person who is really free all day so we decided to rearrange the team. Three persons decided to step back as the representative since they had another activity to do so they couldn't leave their activity only to stand by all day as the representative of the batch PK-106. While me, as a freelancer having so much free times kept being the representative. So, three of them who planned to step back contacted other members of PK-106 who was available to replace them as the representative. Even though finally, they stepped back from being the representative, I appreciated their kindness really much, they were the first three persons who were willing to take role while others kept silent like me at first.
Then, somehow, I was pointed as the chief of the representative. A really big responsibility, but other members of the representative kept supporting me. Therefore, the first obligation before PK was done by having 5 persons as the representative of the PK-106 batch.
The second obligation is to recite the pledge of LPDP awardee which in Bahasa is shown below:
Ikrar Penerima Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia LPDP
Kami Putra-Putri Indonesia berjanji:
1) Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
2) Menjunjung tinggi dan mengamalkan Pancasila dan UUD 1945
3) Siap berbakti dan mengabdi kepada nusa dan bangsa
4) Menjadi pemimpin masa depan Indonesia yang berintegritas dan profesional
5) Bersinergi dalam memberikan pelayanan demi kemajuan Indonesia
Meanwhile, the Song Mars of LPDP lyric in Bahasa is shown below:
Di bawah kepakan sayap sang garuda
Yang berlandaskan kepada Pancasila
Integritas mengabdi profesional melayani
Bersama LPDP membangun negeri
Langkahkan kaki dengan pasti tanpa ragu
Harumkan nama tanah air Indonesia
Merah semangatmu, putih hatimu
Pemimpin yang dinanti Bumi Pertiwi
Hai Bumi, dengarkan cita kami
Ksatria cendekia siap berkarya
Beragam peran satu tujuan
Bersinergi membangun Indonesia
Berkeadilan berdemokrasi
Menjadi bangsa yang trus berinovasi
Melahirkan pemimpin masa depan
Raih Indonesia gemilang
If you would like to know how to sing it, you can check this video below, I obtained it from youtube, I hope it's still available there.
If it's not available anymore, try to search "Mars LPDP" on youtube, there should be another channel which own the video.
While, for the third obligation, having PK-106 year book would be done after PK.
That's all what I would like to write about one of the journeys as the LPDP awardee. Next post, I will peel more about my journey when I was involved more in conducting PK-106.