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Thursday, February 02, 2017

How To Make Telor Balado

Telor Balado is a simple dish if you don't have any ingredients except egg and other simple seasonings.

The ingredients are:
1) The boiled egg

2) Five red chilies

3) Three or four shallots and two pieces of garlic

4) A half of tomato

5) Salt
6) Flavoring
7) Sugar
8) Coconut oil
9) Water

The procedure:
1) Peel the egg skin.

2) Prepare the red chilies, garlic, shallots, and tomato. Mash them.

3) Fry them in the hot coconut oil until cooked. Add the salt, sugar, and flavoring as you want until reaching your taste. Don't forget to add water sufficiently.

4) Put the egg and stir them well.

5) Simply, the "Telor Balado" is ready to be served.

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