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Tuesday, January 03, 2017

How To Make Homemade Cheesy Chicken Nugget

You can find so many chicken nugget in the market which is freshly produced by a food manufacturer. Aren't you curious to know how if you make the chicken nugget by your own hands? Absolutely you can! Let me share my simple way to make the homemade chicken nugget.

1) Chicken, in this recipe, just use both breasts part, the left and the right. Use only its flesh without its skin (boneless skinless breast). 

2) Pepper, I only used 4 grains of pepper. It's up to you how many grains that you want since I don't really like the taste of a pepper, I only used 4 grains.

3) Nutmeg. Use only a little of nutmeg, not as much as the picture below. Really a little piece of it, I used around 0.5 cm.

4) Garlic. You can add garlic for about 1.5.

5) Salt. I used about as much as the picture below.

6) Sugar. I also used the sugar as much as the picture below.

7) Two kinds of breadcrumbs, the soft and the coarse one. The picture on the top is the soft breadcrumbs that I told, while the following picture below the soft one is the coarse breadcrumbs that I told. 

8) Wheat flour.

9) Egg.

10) Cheese.

11) Coconut oil.

1) Chop the boneless skinless breast chicken, you can use the blender or just chop it using your sharp knife. Chop it into a small piece of flesh, like the picture below.

3) Add a little of coconut oil and water, mix well.

4) Prepare the seasoning by grinding the garlic, pepper, nutmeg, salt, and sugar. 

5) Mix the seasoning to the chopped flesh, mix well. 

6) Add 1 egg, mix well.

7) Add the soft breadcrumbs. From my experience, the fewer soft breadcrumbs you use, the better, because it will make the taste of the chicken tastier. I only used for about two spoons of soft breadcrumbs. Then, mix it well.

8) Now, it's time to put the cheese inside the dough. You can make it using your hand. If it sticks strongly to your hand, you can pour oil coconut into the surface of your hand to make it less sticky.

9) If you finish, let's put it into the steamer.

10) Let's wait for about 30 minutes to make it cooked well.

11) We are about to reach the end of the step in making the homemade cheesy chicken nugget. After it is steamed well, we have to make it crispy. Firstly, wrap it with the wheat flour.

12) Then, wrap it with the egg.

13) The last, wrap it with the course breadcrumbs.

14) Here is the cheesy chicken nugget that is ready to be stored. You can store it in the refrigerator.

14) You can fry it anytime you want. It will be like this after being fried.

That's all. You can enjoy the homemade cheesy chicken nugget with rice, mayonnaise, and chilli sauce. Thank you very much for your visiting. 

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