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Tuesday, November 29, 2016


[Picture Source:]

The dew on the leaves.
Turquoise and polka dot,
ready to jump,
to mix with other colors.
But then,
blocked by a military.

Forced to obey.
So many hard rocks to choose.
The one should be seen,
failed to appear.
Just go,
just hand over it to the military.

A soft marshmallow in the market,
seemed to have same texture with tofu.
Both had so many cracks.
weren't wrecked.

Not to believe,
what is seen.

Found the colors.
Told the reason.
Told what happened.
Asked to also find.
To feel the strive,
crawling inside the labyrinth.

what is the real path?

Still hidden in the darkness.

Just keep active.
Just be acceptant.

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