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Tuesday, November 29, 2016


[Picture Source:]

The dew on the leaves.
Turquoise and polka dot,
ready to jump,
to mix with other colors.
But then,
blocked by a military.

Forced to obey.
So many hard rocks to choose.
The one should be seen,
failed to appear.
Just go,
just hand over it to the military.

A soft marshmallow in the market,
seemed to have same texture with tofu.
Both had so many cracks.
weren't wrecked.

Not to believe,
what is seen.

Found the colors.
Told the reason.
Told what happened.
Asked to also find.
To feel the strive,
crawling inside the labyrinth.

what is the real path?

Still hidden in the darkness.

Just keep active.
Just be acceptant.

Friday, November 11, 2016


[Picture Source: Nature Wallpapers and Backgrounds - Desktop Nexus]

water above the surface.
Between the waterfall and a missing path.

 Asked to forecast,
what is next to the bright side,
5, 10, and 50 footsteps ahead.

Tended to stop,
because didn't want to feel the water. 
Still wanted to be with the roots.

No knocking. 
One root told about the missing path,
so the water was unstoppable.

Not so popular, 
more often to be avoided.

A lonely weird penguin,
at the edge of the waterfall.
Decided to dive into the deep water,
during the entire night.

Dreaming a faith.
To make sure.
To make stronger.
A sound to remind:
there is always a scene in each footstep. 

Saturday, November 05, 2016

Opinion: The Defamation of Religion

[Picture Source:]

A liberal lecturer talked in front of the students in the class. He said, "Why do Moslems get angry when an army trampled down and peed on an Al-Qur'an? Isn't it only a collection of papers? While what have been stated was still in Lauhul Mahfuzh so why do Moslems get angry?" Then, a creative student approached the lecturer while bringing a book created by the lecturer. He said, "Your book is really cool and you analyze it perfectly". Suddenly, he dropped the book and spit on it. The lecturer got angry and tried to hit him. Fortunately, the creative student can tackle it and said, "Why do you get angry? Isn't it only a collection of papers? While the idea is still in your head since you are the one who created it. The lecturer got ashamed and directly got out from the class. 

A belief is also the part of an identity. This is our instinct when somebody insults our belief or our identity. Of course, we will get angry and so do you when somebody insults your belief or identity. You do get angry, don't you? So, it's not impossible not to get angry unless you don't have the sense of belongings of the belief or the identity. If you don't get angry, your identity is needed to be questioned. 

The defamation of religion done by the Governor of Jakarta toward Islam in 2016, I do get angry as a Moslem. However, the government seemed to keep quite whereas I live in a country that enforces the law. It has been stated in the law that the defamation of religion is wrong, so the offender has to be punished, like what has happened in Bali, a Christian woman insulted Hindu offerings, so she was jailed in Bali for 14 months in 2013 [1]. 

Then, a number of Moslems from around of Indonesia did a demonstration toward the government in Jakarta to enforce the law and to process the offender which the peak of the demonstration occurred on Friday, November, 4th 2016. They intended to meet the President, to deliver their aspiration. Unfortunately, the President was not in the place [2]. 

I don't know why it looked like the President refused to meet them. Whatever the reason was, only the president his own self that knew the reason. Just like other Moslems felt, I did want the President to greet and listen to the Moslems' aspiration since some of them had come from really far away to be able to unite with other Moslems in Jakarta. I hope the representative from the government could accept the aspiration well and arranged another step to process it. 

Everybody knew there is still something wrong in law enforcement in Indonesia. Sometimes they do it well toward an offender that doesn't have the power like an old woman (63 yo) proven to steal woods and was jailed for about 1 year and 3 months [3]. However, it seems difficult to sentence a corruptor who has stolen so much money from the government since the corruptor still has a power or the corruptor is successfully punished but the punishment may seem easy, not as heavy as his criminal act. So many factors that I don't know so the law enforcement in Indonesia still looked injustice in my opinion. 

If the government can't process the defamation of religion done by the offender while so many demonstrators have already delivered their aspiration toward the government to enforce the law, I just can accept it for what it is since I don't have the power. It is the decision from the government, they may have already had the reasons why it should not be processed by the law. If that so, just make it transparent and explain to the people especially to the Moslems all of the reasons why the government has made the decision like that. Make the people understand so the people can accept it with a big heart.

But if the reasons will seem like nonsense which the government tries everything to protect the offender in order to make the offender be called off about the punishments, even though de jure the offender may be proven guilty, I can not accept it. But by seeing the situation what just happened until these days, we can not look forward more to the law enforcement in Indonesia. At least, the Moslems have gathered to deliver the aspiration. Once again, Indonesia still needs to learn more how to enforce the law. 

For this time, as a Moslem, I need to accept for what it is and have a big hearted. Just understand the situation and try to forgive the offender. Every Moslem has already known that it's not good to get angry, if you get angry, it's okay but Islam asked the Moslems not to get angry over 3 days. Just learn to forgive. Forget about the law enforcement since Indonesia still need to learn about it to make all the people feel justice. For me, until now, it's okay to feel injustice since I can do nothing besides trying to forgive.

I hope in the future, the government of Indonesia can be more mature and be able to enforce the law better. Absolutely, I hope in the future, nobody else insults someone's belief or identity. Please, be mature and respect each other. If you want to be respected, you need to respect others.  

[1] Jakarta Informer. (2013). Christian Woman Jailed in Bali for Insulting Hindu Offerings. [Website].
[2] Kompas. (2016). Demo 4 November. [Website].
[3] Liputan 6. (2015). Nenek Asyani Terdakwa Pencuri Kayu Divonis 1 Tahun Penjara. [Website].

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Opinion: The Loss of TPF Documents

[Picture Source: Alchetron (Website)]

Flying to Utrecht, Netherlands, to study law in master course program and to do research about enforced disappearances on September, 6th 2004, Munir lost his life. Before his departure, a friend, Pollycarpus, whom he didn't know him really well, asked his wife, Suciwati, about his flight schedule. Pollycarpus set a criminal act toward Munir during the flight. 

Munir ate up fried noodle with beef and a glass of orange juices. Then, he sent a message to his wife about his uncomfortable feeling on his stomach. He went back and forth to the toilet for six times, then he was given a treatment from a doctor. He was extremely weak but he couldn't be helped by the doctor. "If the disease is mild, he must be able to survive for about 3 days", the doctor said. At the same time, Pollycarpus called Budi Santoso and said, "Big Fish Operation has been finished". 

In the court, Pollycarpus was found guilty. He poisoned Munir with Arsen (a toxic chemical compound) through his food that Munir ate up. Nevertheless, the mastermind behind him has never been revealed [1].

The incident happened around SBY governance so SBY built a team to focus investigating about Munir case, named TPF (Tim Pencari Fakta/Team of Fact Finder). After finishing its duty period, TPF handed over a document which comprised of some recommendations for the advanced investigation. One of the recommendations is to investigate more Hendropriyono who was assured as a responsible party for Munir case [2]. 

Munir case hasn't finished yet until Jokowi governance. The people insisted Jokowi to continue the investigation. Jokowi agreed but he needed the original document to be studied. What Mensesneg (a division at SBY governance that was responsible to hand over the document to the next governance) gave to Jokowi governance was not the original document but it was only the copied version. Jokowi refused the copied version since it might have been less accuracy and potentially to be manipulated. The original documents was mentioned missing [2].

Ex the Head of TPF, Sudi Silalahi, said, "Based on SBY recall, there are 6 documents and has been spread to the government. However, he hadn't told about the position of the original document yet [3]. One of the ex of TPF members, Hendardi assesed, "The problem of the lost of original TPF documents please do not make it difficult. There are 7 documents in total, I' m wondering if all of the 7 documents went missing, it doesn't make sense" [4]. The head of MPR (judicial institution), Zulkifli Hasan added, "Do not politicize it. Please, search it well" [5].

In my opinion, Instead of searching the original document when it seems that there are some parties that try to cover and hide it by giving so many excuses to make the original document unrevealed, it's better to build again another TPF and do the investigation again from the beginning. If the member of the new TPF involve the ex members, I believe, the investigation can be done faster, more effective, and more efficient since they must be still remember what they have done during their work period. Moreover, by doing investigation through the new TPF, who knows if they will coincidently find the original document. 

I know, it will spend more times to build a new TPF but I think, it's better than do nothing. Or another solution, keep searching the original document but in the other side, also keep building the new TPF so it will be like undergoing two ways to reach one purpose in the same time. It's better to do something while waiting the result of finding, again, it's better than do nothing, I think. 

Essentially, finishing the investigation of Munir case is a must since it correlated to the human rights. Munir is a human rights activist so the loss of his life intentionally by a party who didn't like him is absolutely a violation toward human rights. If the government doesn't continue or start again the investigation, it seems like the government doesn't respect to the human rights or in other words, the government doesn't respect to the people whereas the existance of the government is because of the people. They have to do what people want it to do which is to respect human rights, to respect justice.

There are so many rights insisted by the human rights activists to be preserved and respected by the government and the people, like the rights to study, the rights to have a job, the rights to get married, etc. Nevertheless, personally, I only more concern about the right to live as the essential of human rights since this crucial thing also hasn't been respected well until this time. From my opinion, it's okay to see other components of rights in human rights, but please do it after the rights to live has been respected really well. It doesn't need to be concerned, just focus on the rights to live first. Without living, human never can have the rights to study, to have a job, or even to get married.

In conclusion, it's really really substantial to do the investigation whether to continue the last investigation or to start again the new investigation because the most important thing is the government do something to show its goodwill to respect the human rights. I hope in the future, the people of Indonesia can live comfortably.

[1] Tempo. (2014). Kronologi Kematian Munir. [Website].
[2] Tempo. (2016). Jubir Istana: Presiden Jokowi Akan Selesaikan Kasus Munir. [Website].
[3] Kompas. (2016). Cerita SBY telusuri Dokumen TPF Pembunuhan Munir. [Website].
[4] Kompas. (2016). Polemik Keberadaan Dokumen TPF Munir, Perkara Mudah yang Dibuat Susah?. [Website].
[5] Kompas. (2016). Ketua MPR: Soal Data TPF Munir Tidak Usah Dipolitisasi. [Website].