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Monday, July 25, 2016


The biggest moment in the year of 2016 was passed, your eyes looked happy when seeing me approaching you. You gave me the warmest hug of the year. Thanks, dad, and mom, for always supporting me until this level of education. 

Did you remember when I told you a lot about the benefit of joining a student organization? You understood me so much. I only could see your understanding from your mouth, but I couldn't see it from your eyes. Your eyes told a lie, I saw tears in your eyes every time I told you about my GPA progress which tended to decrease. I wasn't expecting you to look sad as I had said in front that my extracurricular activities might interfere my focus on academics.

Then, I gave up on convincing you that soft skill is as important as intelligence because I wanted you to be happy so I tried hard to achieve something that might be impossible to be reached by me. I just kept praying and  trying as maximum as I could because I believe "Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, the word itself says I'M POSSIBLE" -Audrey Hepburn. 

Without getting rid of my extracurricular activities, I could show you that my involvement in student organization couldn't constrain me to obtain the highest achievement in academics as you saw in my bachelor graduation day in 2015, I had the chance to obtain cum laude title when I almost gave up to obtain it (read more about my story about this here). Moreover, in this year, which I never expected before and never dreamt about it since I was also not in a good health condition (read more about my story about this here), I obtained Novell Award as the second highest GPA of industry specialization in apothecary profession program. I was happy as I see you happy at that time. Your happiness is my happiness.

What's next?

You came to me and brought a new plan. Even though it came late, I did agree. You and I accepted the consequences. You provided me something I needed for the preparation. You supported me to achieve something bigger. You worked hard to tackle neighbors' curiosity when they saw me unemployed by saying that I was just enjoying my holiday while some of my friends might have already sat in a company. 

Now, you let me love myself more than I was before. You let me be free to choose my life plan. Even though I knew you had another plan for me previously, but then actually it was you who changed my life plan and happily it's in accordance with I want. Therefore, we had a same final decision. I couldn't be happier to hear that. Since it was  also coming from you so I could undergo this new path at ease. 

I wasn't unemployed at all. My research supervisor asked me to help him in his research project so you could say that I had a job. I love my job which was so flexible regardless of its workload and unexpected additional assignments. I could still focus on what I want because not only you, my research supervisor also supported me. He helped me provide the documents and suggestions. 

It's about my future. We might only create a plan, but who knows what will truly happen next. Just always be beside me and support me. I hope you always be healthy and be given longevity.

I love you as always. 


  1. it is been a long time since I didn't open my blog, then I do really surprised when I found this emotional posting on the dashboard, heu heu it is very touching kaaaa :'(

  2. Congrats nuri..... I'm proud of you. Good luck for your carrier

  3. Thank you mba lastiii, my previous phone number was inactivated. I have a new phone number right now. I will tell you later. Thank you also for always supporting me during the internship in QC. Good luck for your career too.


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