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Monday, July 25, 2016

Get What You Deserve

Never exhausted to learn. Congratulation on your graduation my brother! I'm proud of you. You were able to spare your time between your career and your study. You almost didn't have any holidays every week, because you worked from Monday to Friday, then studied on Saturday and/or Sunday. You worked in Sukabumi, and then studied in Jakarta, you go back and forth, you spent 5 hours from Sukabumi to Jakarta, and 5 hours again from Jakarta to Sukabumi. What a hardwork! Finally, you got what you deserve! Master degree was in your hand and higher position was followed you. I hope you always be successful in your whole life!

Two days ago, I was participating in a paper competition, but I failed. I know the reason why I failed. It's because I was not serious during the preparation. So, I got a lesson learned. No matter how much competition you always win, as long as you don't have serious preparation, you will never get what you deserve. A winning is for a person who works hard to achieve that, not for a talented person but lack of preparation. So that's why untalented person, as long as he works and tries hard, he will get what he dreams of. That's why, every person is allowed to dream big, no matter how small he is. 

I come to believe this thought. I have a dream within this year that I want to reach that so much. It's like my main purpose of my life for this year and for next two years. I know, I'm not born to meet all the requirements easily so I need to strive hard to be qualified. I'm still doing my effort on the preparation. I have been prepared for that since July. For next two months will be the end of my preparation. I hope in the end, I can get what I deserve because I believe, result never betrays the effort. 

However, sometimes I couldn't get what I want, though I have tried it so hard. After trying hard, all the decisions are in God's hand. The human just need to accept that. God has a reason why He decides that way. For some reasons, the human can really believe what is the best for them. But, it's only God who know what is the best for His human. Human may think it's the best for them, but in reverse God may think it's not, it's the worst for His human. So He may decide other things that it's the best for Human because God always has a reason behind it. For some human who feel unfairness, they just haven't known the reason behind that. If the human finally reveal the reason, the human may feel grateful for the fate and thank to God. 

Keep trying is okay, but after all of the trying, the human can only accept for what God has decided and believe there is another thing better which we more deserve to get. Never think negatively to God's decision. I wish what I think is the best for me is what God think is the best for me too.


  1. Kak, mau nanya dong. kaka kan kulaih farmasi. aku rencana mau ke farmasi juga kak. tapi ada 1 hal yang aku pengen tahu. sebenernya farmasi itu lebih banyak biologi ata kimia nya sih kak? tolong jelasin dong kak... makasih

  2. Halooo, dua-duanya seimbang sih, tapi kalau ditanya lebih banyak mana, hmmm menurut saya kimia lebih banyak, kalau dipersentasein mungkin sekitar 60%, biologi 40%.


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