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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Happy Birthday Mia!

I hope you will be succeed in the future. 
All of your dreams can be realized.
Your plan to continue studying can run well.
And having amazing career.

Of course I pray for your health. 
For your family's health.
For your best future partner. 
For your blessed age.

I'm really grateful to have you as my best friend. 
You really understand how difficult I'm to find my true best friend.
Then, I found you.

You filled most of my memories.
Thanks for sharing your room whenever I'm too late to go home.
Thanks for helping whenever I'm in trouble.
Thanks for listening to my random stories.
Thanks for your presence.

If someone asked me to describe yourself,
I will say,
You are friendly, 
and lovely.
thanks for being who you are.

Mia, every time I imagine if you go to your hometown and will not come back again to Jakarta frequently. I will be very sad, no one will care about me again, no one will help me sincerely again, no one will listen to my random stories again. One of parts of my life will be lost. I will miss you very much. I know, I just imagine it. But, in one time, it must happen. If it happens, I know it's your choice, I support everything the best for you. It's okay for me, but please keep contact with me. 

At this time, I'm really waiting for the meeting with you, Silvia, Edy, and Ghivo to celebrate your birthday and also Ghivo and Edy's birthday. I hope our meeting will be complete, everyone can attend the celebration. I know, because of our different routines, we haven't met yet for some months. Right now is really different from the past when we were still in same college. We do same organization and same activities so we could meet frequently. This upcoming meeting will be our proper time to meet again. Let's share our own stories and have fun together again. I can't wait for this actually. See you.

Best Wishes,

Nurul Fajry Maulida


  1. aaakkk. I got melting
    ka nuriiii thanks for this touching note, thanks a lot for knowing me so well, thanks for accept me to be your bestfriend with all of my flaws unconditionally, thanks for being a part in my life story, for me you are not only my bestfriend but also as my role model, my sister and my family.
    I really almost crying when I read at your end line of this note, about how when we got separated each other.. hmmmm I really dont know when it will happen, but when it is happen promise me that we'll still can be in touch whenever we are :)dont worry, keep healthy ka, keep straight forward to reach your dream I always support and pray the best for you

    yours sincerely


  2. Kyaaaaaa >.<
    Let's keep our promise each other!


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