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Monday, February 01, 2016

For The First Time Ordering Gojek

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I asked my father and my brother how to reach that place. It came to a conclusion that it's better for me to ride motorcycle by my own self. The problem was, I never go there, I hadn't surveyed that place before. My father had no idea because he also didn't know the location and how to get there. While my brother showed me the map. It spent about 15 minutes for me to understand the track. 

My friend said to me, "Why don't you use Gojek?". I answered, "It's too expensive, about 38K IDR from my home to that place". "How about if you take the train to Cawang Station first, then you can order Gojek from there, it will be cheaper," said my friend again. I immediately checked the apps, and ya, it's affordable, it would spend only 12K IDR, "It's a great idea! I don't need to worry about getting lost." My brother lent me his train card, and without even thinking, I hastily went toward train station, because I didn't want to be late. 

It was my first time ordering Gojek. A litle bit nervous, just wondering how if Gojek came late and in the end, I would also come late to the event. My friend said, "Order gojek, when you almost arrive in Cawang Station. Don't worry, Gojek will come quickly and on time".

I had charged my handphone before, so I could make sure I could make an order through the Gojek apps. Arriving in Cawang Station, I opened the apps and made the order. It said that the driver would come for 8 minutes. In a minute, the driver called me and asked me to wait him in the position he directed, so he could catch me easier. 

Not too long, as what the apps said, it spent around 8 minutes to finally meet the driver. 


Yay, even I came really early. One hour before the registration session opened. If I decided to go there by riding motorcycle by my own self, I wonder whether I could come on time or not, because I might get lost and it's a wasting times to find the path. I saved my handphone battery by turning it off so I could make another order to go back to Cawang Station. 

What a fantastic event! I met amazing professors, seniors, and also my other friends. As the event had finished, it's time to go home. Directly I ordered Gojek. In a minute, the driver called me and he confused how to reach the place. I also didn't really understand the location, that's why I ordered Gojek, because I believed, Gojek had known the track before.

I handed over my handphone to my friend. She said to the driver, "If you don't know the track, it's okay, I ask you to cancel the order." She said to me, "It's okay Nuri. You just need to make another order, if you waited him, it would be a wasting times. Order Gojek, if the driver knows the track."

Oh my, my handphone battery became low. I didn't expect it to happen, though I had turned it off before, because I hope I could still use it well. I needed the handphone to order Gojek. Until that time, I didn't successfully ordering Gojek. One by one had gone home. It's only my friend and I who were still stayed.

As her grabbike driver came means, it's me, the only one who was still stayed. However, she didn't let me be alone, she helped me ordering Gojek from her handphone. She said to me not to go anywhere, just stood still until Gojek driver came. She asked me to write down Gojek driver's number. The apps said, the driver would come in 10 minutes. After that, she left me because the driver seemed in a hurry.

I did what she asked me to do. Just stood still until the driver came. Actually, I doubt he would came as the first driver didn't know the track to reach the place. I would like to call him and ask him whether he knew the track or not. But, unfortunately, my handphone battery really died. I couldn't do anything to make sure me that he would come. It's like a gambling games. The driver might know the track and was on the way to reach the place or the driver didn't know the place and would like to cancel the order while my friend couldn't contact me to tell me about that, because my handphone was off.

I decided to wait for about 15-20 minutes. If the driver didn't come, I would like to use another public transportation. The security said that, at the end of the road, I could use public transportation to Cawang Station.

It could be like, waiting for something or waiting for nothing.


Luckily, thanks to God. The most awaited Gojek driver came for around 10 minutes. I was happy because I waited for something not nothing and because the timing I needed to wait was proper to what the apps promised.


Next time, it's really important for me to make sure the handphone is active so the communication with the Gojek driver can run well. If my handphone is getting low, I will never try to make an order any more. Because when the handphone is off, means miscommunication and miscommunication will ruin everything. But, overall, I give 5 stars for the excellent services. They give what they promise. 

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