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Monday, August 31, 2015

Catatan Analisis Farmasi #1

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Pada hari ini, Senin, 31 Agustus 2015 merupakan hari pertama saya memulai kembali perkuliahan setelah lulus program sarjana farmasi. Kelas yang pertama kali dimulai pada program profesi ini adalah kelas Analisis Farmasi dengan pengajar pertama yaitu Pak Hayun. Ada banyak materi yang akan dibahas oleh Pak Hayun pada mata kuliah ini antara lain analisis mutu bahan baku obat, analisis mutu sediaan obat, dan diskusi mengenai keduanya. Materi berikutnya setelah UTS kemungkinan akan diajarkan oleh Pak Herman dengan materi seputar validasi metode analisis.

Analisis farmasi merupakan mata kuliah yang mempelajari analisis kimia (bahan aktif dan bahan tambahan) yang digunakan dalam bidang farmasi. Secara umum bidang ini kurang diminati oleh mahasiswa farmasi karena susah. Apabila generasi penerus tidak dapat mempertahankan lapangan pekerjaan ini, maka bisa disalip oleh lulusan kimia atau teknik kimia, sehingga sangat penting bagi mahasiswa farmasi untuk tetap mempertahankan ini apalagi telah dinaungi oleh pemerintah melalui undang-undang. Apabila dibandingkan dengan kondisi luar negeri, sebagian besar lulusan farmasi, memilih jalur klinik atau pelayanan sehingga jarang yang terlibat di pabrik dan yang bekerja di pabrik rata-rata lulusan kimia atau teknik kimia. Meskipun demikian, terdapat kelemahan, yaitu kurangnya inovator obat, karena jelas dalam hal ini, lulusan farmasi yang lebih banyak berperan dalam penemuan obat baru.

Tujuan analisis farmasi adalah menentukan kualitas/mutu:
  1. Bahan berupa bahan aktif atau bahan tambahan meliputi identitas, kadar, dan kemurnian.
  2. Sediaan farmasi atau obat meliputi identitas bahan aktif, kadar, dan kemurian, serta karakteristik kerjanya. Mengenai kemurnian sediaan farmasi ini, perlu untuk dianalisis karena, pada dasarnya terkait dengan stabilitasnya dapat menyebabkan dihasilkannya hasil urai sehingga penting untuk dianalisis kemurniannya.
Apabila bahan dan sediaan farmasinya berkualitas atau bermutu maka keduanya dapat digunakan dengan aman dan memberikan efek farmakologis atau terapi sebagaimana yang diharapkan. 

Dengan demikian terdapat hubungan antara mutu dengan efek farmakologis. Meskipun demikian, apakah bisa kita melakukan uji efek farmakologis dengan mudah? Tentu tidak, karena harus dilakukan uji in vivo yang juga tentunya ada berbagai syarat pengujiannya. Biaya pengujiannya pun akan mahal. Dalam hal ini, mestinya bahan atau sediaan farmasinya telah memiliki informasi hasil uji in vivo sebelumnya sehingga apabila diulang dengan dosis yang benar, diperoleh kadar yang benar, dapat diketahui efek farmakologisnya benar pula. Tetapi, tidak semua bahan atau sediaan farmasi yang uji kimianya sesuai dapat sesuai pula efek farmakologisnya. Seperti bahan biologi, misalnya suatu protein, diketahui kadar proteinnya sesuai, namun kita tidak dapat mengetahui apakah semuanya aktif atau tidak, kadar yang diperoleh bisa  jadi juga menghitung protein yang tidak aktif yang dengan ini jelas hasil uji efek farmakologisnya bisa jadi berbeda. Contoh lain adalah salah satu obat antibiotik, hasil uji kimianya tidak dapat berkorelasi dengan efek farmakologisnya. Hal ini disebabkan karena obat antibiotik ini adalah bahan aktif gabungan, yang metode uji kimianya ada, hasilnya ada, tapi tidak sebanding dengan efek farmakologisnya. Mengingat obat ini adalah gabungan, tidak dapat dipisah dengan baik. Masing-masing berbeda potensinya.

Yang dimaksud dengan bahan dan sediaan farmasi yang perlu dianalisis mutunya adalah obat, bahan obat, obat tradisional, bahan obat alam, makanan dan minuman, bahan pangan, kosmetika, alat kesehatan, dan lainnya. Sementara yang dimaksud dengan sediaan farmasi berdasarkan PP 51 tahun 2009 hanya obat, bahan obat, obat tradisional, dan kosmetika. 

Suatu bahan atau sediaan farmasi disebut bermutu apabila hasil analisis terhadap bahan tersebut menunjukkan kesesuaian dengan spesifikasi yang ditetapkan dan didasarkan pada tujuan penggunaannya. Bahan yang sama apabila tujuan penggunaannya berbeda dapat memiliki spesifikasi yang berbeda pula contohnya air minum, air murni (aqua purificata FI), air steril untuk injeksi, dan air accu. Kesemuanya berbahan air yang sama namun berbeda tujuan penggunaannya, maka spesifikasi juga  berbeda. Contoh lain garam dapur, garam meja, NaCl p.a., dan lainnya.

Spesifikasi dari bahan atau sediaan farmasi disesuaikan dengan standar yang ditetapkan. Terdapat beberapa standar yang biasa digunakan antara lain:
  1. ISO (International Standard Organization)
  2. BSN (Badan Standarisasi Nasional)
  3. SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia)
  4. FI (Farmakope Indonesia)
  5. Farmakope negara lain yang diacu oleh negara pemasok bahan
Meskipun demikian, standar mana yang dipilih dapat ditetapkan oleh instansi yang diberikan kewenangan, seperti BPOM. Untuk beberapa spesifikasi tertentu misalnya tidak terdapat pada standar yang ditentukan, maka dapat merujuk kepada standar lain yang memiliki spesifikasinya.

Secara umum spesifikasi bahan dalam obat meliputi:
  1. Identifikasi
  2. Kemurnian: (a) keasaman/kebasaan, pH; (b) jarak lebur; (c) cemaran spesifik; dan (d) cemaran umum
  3. Penetapan kadar/potensi
Terkait dengan cemaran, diperbolehkan adanya cemaran dengan batas jumlah tertentu, dan tentu saja tidak memiliki toksisitas yang krusial seperti karsinogen. Jika ada potensi karsinogen sedikit pun, hal ini tidak dapat ditoleransi.

Pada analisis mutu telah diketahui diperlukan standar yang diacu untuk mengetahui spesifikasinya atau persyaratannya. Dalam hal ini perlu juga diketahui caranya terkait dengan metode/prosedur analisis dalam standar acuannya. Prosedur perlu diverifikasi terlebih dahulu, tidak bisa langsung  digunakan. Memang benar bisa saja tanpa verifikasi prosedur dilakukan, tapi yang terjadi bisa memperoleh hasil yang diharapkan atau tidak. Jika ternyata diperoleh hasil yang tidak diharapkan maka bisa jadi prosedurnya yang salah atau personil yang mengerjakannya yang salah. Jadi verifikasi sangat penting dilakukan terlebih dahulu, untuk menghindari kesalahan akibat salah prosedur.

Prosedur analisis ada yang ditulis langsung di dalam monografi, ada pula yang ditulis di dalam lampiran. Prosedur yang di dalam monografi merupakan prosedur yang memang spesifik untuk bahan tertentu saja. Sementara prosedur yang di lampiran, dapat digunakan untuk berbagai bahan secara umum. Setiap pengerjaannya harus CPOB, selain bahan baku yang menentukan mutu.

Dasar identifikasi adalah adanya dua zat yang berbeda yang tidak mungkin semua sifatnya sama. Apabila zat A dan zat X memiliki semua sifat yang sama maka zat X adalah zat A. Pada dasarnya identifikasi adalah mencari identitas dari sesuatu yang belum diketahui. Memang dalam hal ini sudah ada alat yang canggih untuk identifikasi sehingga lebih mudah, namun biaya penggunaannya mahal. Oleh karena itu, dalam dunia farmasi, kata "identifikasi" lebih sesuai dilakukan ketika pertama kali menemukan obat saja. Sementara dalam proses produksi kata yang lebih tepat adalah "konfirmasi". Jadi metodenya adalah menyamakan zat dengan bahan baku pembanding atau data dari bahan  baku pembanding. Metodenya bisa berupa reaksi kimia, fisika-kimia, penetapan kadar/potensi, dan uji kemurnian.

Metode reaksi kimia biasanya digunakan untuk senyawa dengan struktur sederhana, tetapi dapat bereaksi secara kimia dengan spesifik. Contohnya metampiron yang dapat direaksikan dengan Ag nitrat maka akan berwarna ungu. Reaksi kimia tersebut spesifik untuk metampiron. Meskipun demikian, metode reaksi kimia ini sudah mulai ditinggalkan karena sudah ada beberapa reaksi yang telah diketahui sudah tidak spesifik lagi, seperti pereaksi mollisch. Jadi, apabila ingin menggunakan metode ini, harus dipastikan metode tersebut memiliki kespesifikan terhadap senyawanya.

Metode fisika-kimia merupakan metode yang lebih banyak digunakan. Dapat digunakan menggunakan:
  1. Spektrofotometer UV/Vis, metode ini cukup spesifik, tetapi bukan satu-satunya sehingga perlu dilengkapi dengan metode lain seperti KLT.
  2. Spektrofotometer IR, paling banyak digunakan karena memiliki cakupan perekaman jauh lebih panjang yaitu 4000-500 cm-1 dibandingkan dengan spektrofotometer UV/Vis yang informasi yang diperolehnya tidak lengkap. Apabila suatu senyawa memiliki spektrum IR yang persis sama seperti suatu zat maka senyawa itu adalah zat tersebut. Asalkan tidak memiliki isomer optis atau cis/trans. Apabila memiliki isomer optis maka harus dianalisis kembali dengan polarimeter. Sementara apabila memiliki isomer cis/trans maka harus dianalisis dengan HNMR. Meskipun demikian, bahan atau sediaan farmasi jarang yang dalam bentuk cis, kebanyakan bentuk trans. Sebab ikatan rangkap trans memiliki energi lebih rendah sehingga lebih disukai. 
  3. Metode lain seperti KCKT, KG, KLT, mungkin lebih banyak digunakan pada sediaan farmasi.
Dibanding reaksi kimia dan fisika-kimia, penetapan kadar hanya bermakna apabila hasil identifikasi dan kemurnian telah memenuhi syarat. Penetapan kadar dapat dilakukan dengan dua metode, yaitu metode absolut dan metode relatif. Keduanya menggunakan bahan baku pembanding, namun pada metode absolut baku pembanding tidak sama dengan senyawa yang diuji, sementara metode relatif, baku pembandingnya sama. Metode absolut terdiri dari titrasi, gravimetri, dan kolometri. Sementara metode relatif terdiri dari  KG, KCKT, spektrofotometer UV/IR, spektrofluorometri, polarografi, dan mikrobiologik.

Terkait baku pembanding yang digunakan, baku pembanding harus disimpan dengan ketat. Baku pembanding harus dibeli pada instansi yang ditentukan seperti BPOM atau USP standar, dan perlu diingat adanya tanggal kadaluarsa. Berhubung baku pembanding harganya mahal, beberapa pabrik bertindak kreatif untuk mengatasi adanya kebutuhan baku pembanding yang besar sementara harganya mahal. Yaitu dengan membeli baku pembanding seperlunya, lalu menganalis bahan dengan zat yang sama, apabila spesifikasinya telah sama, maka bahan yang tadi digunakan sebagai pembanding untuk bahan-bahan yang lain.

Uji kemurnian dapat dilakukan dengan tiga cara yaitu uji kualitatif, uji batas, dan uji kuantitatif. 

Uji kualitatif misalnya untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya kandungan air, digunakan spektrofotometer IR, apabila terjadi pelebaran pada daerah 2500-3000 cm-1 maka terjadi penyerapan air.

Uji batas, dilakukan untuk memastikan cemaran tidak melebihi jumlah tertentu. Cemaran dikelompokkan menjadi cemaran spesifik, cemaran spesifik tertentu, dan cemaran umum. Cemaran spesifik merupakan jenis cemaran yang telah diketahui senyawanya dan terdapat pada sebagian besar bahan, seperti air, toluen, sulfat, Pb, Cd, jadi metode pengujiannya spesifik untuk senyawa tersebut, misal sulfat dengan BaCl2. Cemaran spesifik tertentu merupakan cemaran yang juga telah diketahui senyawanya namun tidak ada pada semua bahan, hanya ada pada bahan tertentu saja. Misalnya cemaran asam salisilat dalam asetosal, berhubung asam salisilat adalah bahan pemula asetosal dan juga dapat menjadi hasil urai asetosal, cara pengujiannya pun spesifik untuk asam salisilat. Sementara cemaran umum biasanya berupa senyawa organik, namun belum diketahui senyawanya dan tidak diperhitungkan sebelumnya. Biasanya diuji dengan kromatografi dengan melihat adanya tR yang bukan tR zatnya, atau dengan KLT dengan melihat adanya bercak lain di samping bercak senyawa utama.

Uji kuantitatif dapat dilakukan dengan penentuan jarak lebur (apabila jarak lebur tidak tajam, maka bisa ada cemaran), absorbsi UV (apabila memiliki cemaran spesifik), dan indeks bias.

Demikian yang saya catat di pertemuan pertama kelas ini. Mohon maaf apabila terdapat kesalahan. Semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih sudah berkunjung :D

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Graduation Day

"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

A quote from Winston Churchill which may describe what just happen to me at this graduation day. Graduated from pharmacy faculty of Universitas Indonesia is the end of the beginning of my life. There are still a lot of complicated and joyful life events waiting for me. I could be graduated can not be separated from God help and people around who supported me.

Firstly, thanks to God who always exist wherever I am and whenever I need help. Undergoing college life in pharmacy faculty for 4 years is not as easy as I thought before. There were some constrains, problems, and other difficulties that I never imagined I could overcome it well. It was because of God help. I wasn't sure I could overcome it by myself. The moment that I will always remember is when I got cumlaude title at the end of my bachelor study. It wasn't because I'm smart, I was just lucky. God granted my wish when I almost gave up.

The only thing that I thought can make my parents happy is by being graduated with cumlaude title. From third semester to sixth semester my GPA (IPK in bahasa) kept decreasing under 3.50 (just for your information, to get cumlaude title, your GPA needs to be higher than 3.50, it means 3.51 at minimal). It was 3.49 in my 3rd semester, followed by 3.48, 3.45, and 3.46 in my 6th semester. If you are a college student, you may understand how difficult it is to increase your GPA from 3.46 to 3.51. It needs really high semester academic score (IP in bahasa) at next semester to make your GPA 3.51 at least. The history of my semester academic score was also just so-so like 3.61 for 2 times (the highest), 3.25, 3.45, 3.36, 3.47, etc. If my 7th semester academic score was just so-so, my GPA wouldn't be higher than 3.50.

I wished to God, "Please, let me get cumlaude title for this bachelor study, I really want to make my parents happy. Even though I'm not really sure I could make it, but I'm sure you always here to help me." It really needed struggle to achieve it, besides academics, I was also active in organization called KSM Eka Prasetya UI and was given responsibility to be the head of research department. For you who was also ever active in organization may understand how difficult to share your focus between your academics and organization which sometimes because of the organizations resist you to get good GPA at your academics. Another problem also happened in my 7th semester that I really really needed to work hard to get high GPA. My experience about this can be read here.

Because of the hard work, I can make it, even I never imagined before. My 7th semester academic score was 3.93 and my last semester was 3.70. It made my final GPA 3.52, I was awarded by cumlaude title. Thanks again to God who helped me and granted my wish.

Secondly, thanks to my parents who always support me even though sometimes I make them disappointed. It's also because of my academics. In the past, I was like a nerd student, never active in organization and just focus on academics. So my parents always happy as I could have good academics score. But, in college life, I found that getting good academics score will not guarantee the student to get good job. Because to get good job is not only requiring knowledge but also soft skill. My college life was my turning point when I break my focus into two, not only academics any more but also organization. If I couldn't get cumlaude title, it would be the first time I disappointed them. One by one, each semester passed, I lost my confidence to make my parents happy. But, as you just have known before, I still could make it. If it's not because of my parents, I wouldn't work too hard to achieve it.

Thirdly, thanks to my best friends (Mia, Silvia, Ghivo, and Edy) who inspired me to get good GPA. They were students from different faculty but we have been best friends since we were active in KSM Eka Prasetya UI. Even though they were active in same organization like me, but they also could get good GPA. "We are best friends, we were united by our similarities. I will be too embarrassed if it's only me between them who can't get good GPA". So, it's also because of them I worked hard to achieve it.

Fourthly, thanks to my best pharmacy friends (Pipit, Azizah, Tasya, and Bernita) who always remind me about academics stuff. Since I joined the organization, sometimes I almost forget about the assignments and the lectures schedule. An unwanted things might happened if I wasn't be reminded I would be punished by the lecturer or miss the class.

Fifthly, thanks to my pharmacy family, especially my seniors (Kak Yuri, Kak Erni, and Kak Liza) who always support me by advice and providing notes that I was able to survive in this pharmacy life. Actually, my big brother also was a student at pharmacy faculty. When his friend met me, she asked me "Why do you enter pharmacy faculty? What did your brother do so you enter this faculty? Did your brother trap you? Don't you know that studying in this faculty is damn difficult?". I just smiled, I didn't know how to answer. To be honest, indirectly, I entered this faculty, because my brother told me to do so. Thanks again to my seniors, once again I'd like to tell, I felt relieved because I could survive.

The last, thanks to another people around me who I can not mention the name one by one. After being graduated at this bachelor program, I'd like to continue my study to the apothecary profession program for one year. Keep support and help me, I will also support and help you too.

Best regards,

Nurul Fajry Maulida, S.Farm

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Turning Revenge Into Motivation

Picture Source:

After reading my previous post, I'd like to ask you, have you found your source of motivation? Where does it come from? In this post, I'd like to share my facilitator experiences who turned his revenges into his motivations. Let's call my facilitator as Y.

I was attending the Monthly Leadership Training held by my scholarship. "Motivation" was the subject of the training at that time and Y was the facilitator. He emphasized that he was only the facilitator, not the motivator. He would only share his experiences and not to inspire us. He would feel happy if we could get the lesson learned from his story.

Actually, Y was also the scholarship receiver, he was a student from Engineering Faculty of Universitas Indonesia batch 1996. The first thing he did to open the session was by throwing a question, "How much is my salary right now?" One by one, each participants answered randomly, "IDR 25 million", "IDR 15 million", "IDR 50 million", "IDR 30 million", etc. Y still didn't say which one was correct. He just explained his job history. "Firstly, I was accepted by IBM and my first salary at that time was IDR 3.5 million before tax. Next, I moved to company in Singapore for 2 years, I moved to Microsoft, I moved to Simantex, and now I am in X company and having 2 positions. So, how much is my salary right now? Will you change your answer?" Some participants changed their answer by multiplying it, while the rest kept consistent. The answer was IDR 120 million. WOW, HOW DAMN RICH HE IS! As an ordinary college student who haven't gotten a job  and will just feel enough to get IDR 6 million as a fresh graduate, will think IDR 120 million as too much. Please give a round of applause for him. 

Moreover, he also has some assets. He has apartments worth IDR 5 billion, 17,000 meters square of land in Jonggol, 18,000 meters square of land in Parung, 10 hectares in Kalimantan, 2 beaches which would be built a private resort, and 2 islands. Are you curious how he got all of them? It's because of his motivation.

He has 2 timeline which brought him motivated into like who he is right now.

The first timeline is when he was accused of stealing. At his first semester as college student, his father was attacked by stroke. His father couldn't work anymore. As the oldest child, he made his own money to pay the tuition. He busked for 6 month in a bus (he became a street musician). Some day, an old man approached him and gave him his name card. He also invited him to go to a cafe. Let's call the old man Om H. Upon arrival at cafe after busking for hours so he still shabbily dressed, he met with the security. The security asked him, "With whom do you want to meet?". He replied, "I'd like to meet Om H". The security said, "I don't believe you, how could it be, a person like you invited to meet him here". At that time, he hadn't known that Om H was the cafe owner. Suddenly the security, grabbed his hand, and brought him to his office. He was interrogated by the security for 30 minutes. The security accused him of stealing because the security thought that he stole Om H's wallet so that's why he got the name card. Fortunately Om H came, he was saved. Om H asked him to sing in his cafe for that day. As Om H impressed by his singing, he gave a job to him as a singer at his cafe, so his job as a busker had been ended. His experience which he was accused of stealing by the security, made him annoyed. Since that time, he had a revenge, he was determined, "In the future, I will have my own building where I can't be treated like that anymore". This is his first revenge which he turned it into his motivation to be success.

The second timeline is when his father's pride was dropped by a parking officer. Since his father was attacked by stroke, his father planned to administer his pension. Because his condition at that time, he asked his brother and Y to accompany him. His brother was given the responsibility to drive. When they arrived at the parking lot, the parking officer ran toward them and asked them to move to another area of parking lot, because that parking lot was not for them,  it had been reserved by a person whose nice car. For the people like them whose poor car was not allowed to park there. At first, his father asked to the parking officer, "Since when does the regulation apply? During I worked, I never heard that kind of regulation". At final, his father just followed what the security asked. As the first child, Y who had heard their conversation, noticed how his father's pride was dropped by a parking officer. This is his second revenge which he turned it into his motivation, "In the future, I will have the nicest car so I can park wherever I want!".

Up here, maybe you feel doubt, Y who was a busker can be a rich man. It's not about who he was in the past, but how he worked hard in the past until now. As I've told before, Y made his own money to pay the tuition. He worked hard singing at the cafe. He never attended the class fully, he only attended the class when he needed to do the examination and to do something important when he really had to attend. Even, he was not a student who was active in organization. So if you asked people whether they know Y or not, maybe they didn't know, because Y was not popular. He spent his time much by working. He was not too smart and not too stupid. His GPA was 3.22. It's like a fortune for him when he was accepted by IBM, one of big corporate at that time. He loved his job, if the boss asked him to do a job by A and B, he always finish the job by A, B, C, D, E. That's why the boss thought that Y has big potential and Y should be placed in higher position. Since he loved his job, wherever he worked, the boss always be impressed by him and that's why he always go up to next higher position and get higher salary.

By his works and his connections, he built his own restaurant which means his first timeline had motivated him to have his own building and it also means that his first revenge had paid. Not only that, he also had 4 nicest cars which his plate number of his 4 cars was signed by 3 digit of his name in order to make every parking officers who see his plate number will hastily ran toward him because they know he will pay him for IDR 50 thousand (FYI, some people only give IDR 2 or 5 thousand). That's proving how his second revenge had paid. Even, as I've told before, not only about his building and his nicest cars, even he had another assets which value is much greater.

The key of his success besides his hard work is he broke his limit. Maybe some people think, "I can't do this, because I'm not capable; I'm not too smart, I can't finish it; I don't have enough money, I can't make it" or other excuses you may think so you never reach your dream or goal. Y said a quote from someone, "Actually the sky is not the limit, the limit is you. It's yourself who create the limit. If you set up a goal, achieve it. Nothing to do except  achieve it. Don't make any excuses. If you fail, get up, move on, and never give up".

So, you need to work hard, break your limit, keep persistent, never give up until you meet the success. That's all. I hope by Y's story, you get the benefit. Thank you for visiting. Good luck on your life :D

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Understanding About Motivation

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Wohooo, after finishing my thesis defence on June, I have holiday until the last day in August. It means that it's the time for being lazy. Oh my, if I remember the time when I did my final research, it was so exhausted and stressful, even I didn't have so much times to watch TV. After having been  full day in the laboratory, the entire part of my body were weary, so I just went to bed and spent all night by sleeping. Therefore, this is the appropriate time to pamper myself by being lazy. 

As I have experienced before, if I be lazy continuously, I will be hard to start my next routine activities which will give so much pressures and suck full of my energies. I need to have preparation before facing those tight activities which means I need to warm up myself by doing productive activities during holiday. But it's okay to spend one or two weeks by being lazy. Just think it's for your appreciation after doing hard work for months. 

But still, I know, it's really hard to start doing productive activities in the middle of holiday. I thought, some of you must feel the same. We need motivation to start it. Yeah, I believe you know what is motivation. In this post. I'd like to make you more understand about motivation so you will not be hesitate to start doing productive activities. 

The word of "motivation" comes from "move" means the position of a thing is different at different time. If at different time, the position of a thing is still the same, it means there is no move. If I give analogy to the success person and failed person, the success person has motivation, this person works hard to achieve something until get different position or higher level at his career. While the failed person doesn't have motivation, because this person does nothing so nothing changes, his position will be the same at his career. 

Actually, motivation is a process that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior. That's why, a person who has motivation can achieve something. Is it the thing that we really want? Achieve something to make our life becomes excellent? For example, I have a dream to get scholarship, at the time when I achieve it, I am able to lighten my parent's burden, then, my life becomes excellent compared if I do nothing. So, it's clear why motivation is really important for our life. 

Motivation can comes from positive or negative energy. For example, I do my homework because I want to get good score. It's the example of positive energy. While the example of negative energy is I do my homework because I don't want to make my lecturer angry. Wherever your motivation comes from, the point is you do and reach something. Once again, it's better than doing nothing.

Up here, we can conclude that motivation directs to a behavior to reach goal. Besides that, motivation also improves persistence, increases energy, and determines what to be in force (determines the priorities and determines what we should eliminate, for example the goal for 4 years ahead is graduating on time at the college, it means the person needs to be focus on the study and be ready to refuse the invitation to travel around Europe for 1 year).

There are two type of motivation, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is to do something for our own enjoyment (for example, we do the job because we love the job). Another example, I eat ramen noodles because I love ramen noodles. While extrinsic motivation is to do something that can give us tangible reward (for example, we do the job because we want the money or the position). Another example, I get A score to make my parents happy. In this case, every persons has their own motivation, it can be reward, for parents happiness, pressure, friend's achievement, or others. 

But, how if we lost our motivation? For example, I studied well to make my parents happy, but my parents didn't appreciate me. They were disappointing me so I wouldn't study well any more. Actually, it's wrong, we need to find another source of motivation because the source of motivation can be replaced. The best source of motivation is  in our own self because inside our self, we have the power of the mind, it's called ABC (Affective, Behavior,  and Cognitive) which directs us to reach the goal.

Affective is about our emotion. We will be motivated when we feel happy, good, excited, etc. When we feel happy, we smile, and something good will happen. If we don't feel happy, just smile, and do it, because by smiling, we invite our self to be happy and look forward something good to happen. Behavior is about to act. Sometimes, we don't have time to think, so just do it. While cognitive is about to think. We do something because we know that we are capable to do that. Never underestimate our own self, we have been created as the best of us, just find the crystal of us! It's a false belief, when we think, "I can't, I don't have something special, I don't have the luck even though I'm capable, I will fail eventually, or nothing will change no matter how I try". The right thing is if we can't be the best, it's better than even not starting at all because nobody's perfect, we can't always be the number 1. That false belief will block up our motivation.

Motivation directs to reach the goal. Below is the picture about the steps to be success reaching the goal.

We need to set the goal first, then elaborate the steps. Setting the goal is important to move us, to focus our action, to increase our persistence & endurance, and to increase strategies development. At the picture, we can see there are steps do, do again, and keep doing, because those steps will not be easy, there will be some constrains, we may fail, but we need not to give up, we need to do, do again, and keep doing until successfully reaching the goal.

So, do not hesitate to do productive activities, move, never stay, and be motivated to reach the goal. Don't be  afraid to have dreams. Do what you love, love what you do, give your best in everything you do, and success will follow you. "Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, the word itself says I'M POSSIBLE" -Audrey Hepburn. Read this, for the example experience of motivation. That's all, thank you for visiting :D

Friday, August 21, 2015

Antibiotics Resistance

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Hello reader!

In this post, I'd like to inform you about antibiotic resistance. After reading this post, I hope, you will be able to understand about antibiotic resistance and do what you can do to avoid that. 

I'd like to give you a fact. According to World Health Organization, in 2015, Indonesia is on the second place as the largest number of tuberculosis patients in the world, after Tiongkok. Do you know tuberculosis disease? Tuberculosis disease is one of numerous infectious diseases which can cause death to the patient. Thanks to the development of medicine research, not only Tuberculosis but also another deadly infectious diseases can be cured by antibiotic.

However, have you ever imagined before, those deadly infectious diseases which can be cured presently can not be cured in the future? The hospitals will be full of the patients who want to be cured but actually there is no medication can be used. Consequently, the cemetaries will also be full of the patients who are dead. Since, those diseases are infectious, contagious, and able to spread to another person, one by one, each persons will suffer the disease and will be dead at final. Such a horrible disaster or like doomsday in biological hazard version. 

Do we want that horrible disaster occurs to our next generation in the future? Absolutely no! It happens for what we have done at this time. At this time, there are still some people who don't finish up antibiotics and buy antibiotics without prescription. So, if we don't want that horrible disaster occurs to our next generation, there are two ways which are by finishing up antibiotics and not to buy antibiotics without prescription.

Firstly is by finishing up antibiotics. To explain this, I'd like to give an example. A patient was given 18 tablets needed to be consumed three tablets a day, it means the patient was needed to finish it up for 6 days. The doctor had decided it because the doctor had calculated it that it's only in 6 day, 100% bacteries could be destroyed. If the patient stopped the consumption just in 5 days as the patient felt better just in 5 days, actually, it was only 80% bacteries destroyed, while there was still 20% bacteries alive. Those 20% bacteries alive would learn how antibiotics worked, would do mutation, and would become stronger bacteries which would be invulnerable to same antibiotics. Furthermore, those stronger antibiotics could spread to the environment. If there i another patient who suffer same infectious disease, same antibiotics can not be used anymore. It needs stronger antibiotics to destroy those stronger bacteries. 

While, that horrible disaster may happen as we have imagined before, if the last antibiotics invented can not be used anymore. Currently, some antibiotics had been invented until its 4th generation. For example Cephalosphorine. If there will be bacteries stronger than its 4th generation, that horrible disaster may occur. Maybe you would ask, why don't the researcher invent another antibiotics so there will be its 5th generation? Actually, inventing antibiotics is not as easy as you think. It needs tens even hundreds year to research it. So, that's why, it's really important for us to finish up antibiotics.

Secondly is not to buy antibiotics without prescription. Different infectious diseases, different type of antibiotics and doses of antibiotics too. Besides that, there are a lot of factors to be considered in deciding the treatment. While the misuse of antibiotics will also be able to trigger antibiotics resistance. In this case, you may ask, isn't there a pharmacist? So, even though we buy antibiotics without prescription, the pharmacist will refuse to give it. So, it will be the same, buy or not to buy without prescription. We can not get antibiotics at all. But, the fact is, according to the survey that my pharmacy friends and I had done. Some pharmacist still gave antibiotics as the buyer wanted even though the buyer didn't have prescription. While, under the law, we have known that pharmacist are not allowed to give antibiotics without prescription. Rather than discussing about antibiotics, it's better to tell you not to buy antibiotics without prescription.

The conclusion is to save our next generation or to avoid antibiotics resistance is by finishing up antibiotics and not to buy antibiotics without prescription. Please, tell the others who haven't been informed about this, to do so. That's our job, if it's not us, who else can save our next generation. That's all. Thank you for visiting :D

Thank you Mia Fithriyah for letting me borrow your laptop so I could write this post :D

Monday, August 10, 2015


In this post, I'd like to share about my experience in SIAK War. I assume you, the reader, are the student at Universitas Indonesia, or wherever you come from or you have ever become a college student must have experienced something similar to SIAK War. Before that, I'd like to give or remind you a brief explanation of SIAK War. SIAK War is composed of 2 words, "SIAK" and "War". SIAK is an UI online system which one of its functions is to help the students to fill their study plan for the upcoming semester, to be clearer, the students have to book classes, what kind of classes they want to enter for the upcoming semester. While "War" means there will be something competed. In SIAK War, "something competed" is a favorite class. A class becomes favorite, because its subjects are easy to learn and it has good lecturer. Since, the favorite class is limited only for some students, due to also limited capacity of the lecturer to teach, only some students who are determined, strong, and have good strategy could be the winner.

As a final year student, I have experienced SIAK War for about 7 times. But, the most unforgettable experience I've ever had is when I was going to enter the 7th semester. I almost got all of the unwanted classes. It happened like this:

"So, I have to be ready in front of the laptop before the war begins. I have to choose this class, this class, and this class to be safe, and I need to avoid this class, this class, and this class because the subjects are not easy to learn." I said to myself.

The war began at 9 am...

However, the system was down. Because of a very tense of SIAK War. Thousands of students from all faculties were trying to access the system. That's way the system was down. As so many complains they got, the officer announced, "The system will be able to be accessed in rotation, so there will be a schedule for each faculty." My faculty was scheduled on the next day. As the officer said like that, I believed it.

At night around 9 pm before the next day, my friend asked me, "Nuri, what kind of classes do you book?" I was so confused, "What? I haven't booked any classes yet. Isn't the system able to be accessed on the next day?". She said that actually, since 5 pm, the system was able to be accessed. But why? Why did nobody tell me about it? They were really cruel. They kept it as a secret so they could be the winner. As you've known before, even 10 minutes late will turn you into the loser. Yeah, I was totally the loser.

I was jealous, I had same right, but why I couldn't make it. My fate was really damn bad. I got almost all of the unwanted classes. I cried a lot, How did it happen? Why did it happen? How will my future be? How will my semester academics score be? What kind of mistakes I've ever done so I need to face this fate?

Then I realized, it was not a problem to be sobbed. There were also some unlucky students like me. I need to be patient. "Inna ma'al 'usri yusraa" means, together with the difficulty there is an easiness. Then, I was so determined, I promised to myself. Even though I was totally the loser, even though the the classes had subjects more difficult to learn, I could also get good semester academic score. I need to study harder than before.

As I studied harder. I could make it, even I never imagined it before. My semester academics score was 3.93. I had 9 classes, which 7 classes I got A score, while the rest, 2 classes I got A- score. Actually, I wasn't sure I could make it, because from third semester to sixth semester, my semester academics score was never more than 3.5, and it's always under 3.5.

The conclusion is even though I was totally the loser. It was not the end of my case. The purpose of my case is to get good semester academics score. Becoming the winner in SIAK War is only one of the ways to get good academics score. Even, I realized, the best way to get good semester academics score is by studying hard than anything.

While the lesson learned I want you to obtain is never think negatively to your fate, accept it for what it is, do something with a hard work, be persistent, and happiness will follow you.

That's all. For you who still study, good luck for the upcoming semester. Thank you for visiting my blog :D