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Thursday, February 12, 2015

UI Toastmasters Club

In this writing, I'd like to review about a club, named Universitas Indonesia Toastmaster Club (UI TMC) that I've already joined as the member. I heard about Toastmaster Club firstly is when I was in leadership training of Yayasan Goodwill International. The topic of the meeting is about public speaking. The facilitator recommended us to join Toastmaster Club if we would like to improve our confidence in public speaking especially in using english. 

One day, my friend asked me to join UI TMC as a guest. Actually, she had already been the member. I was surprised because there is a Toastmaster Club branch in our college. At this point, I am going to begin reviewing UI TMC using 5W + 1H formula, which is comprised of what UI TMC is, when and where the meeting of UI TMC is, why you should join UI TMC, who is the member of UI TMC, and how to join UI TMC.

Firstly, what UI TMC is just like I've said before, UI TMC is the branch of Toastmaster Club International. It's a club at international scale and the head office is located in California, USA. Why is Toastmaster Club an international Club? It's because Toastmaster Club has a lot of branches in almost all countries. Moreover, in Indonesia, there are a lot of branches, including UI TMC. In this case, it's showing one of the advantages by joining UI TMC that is the member can get international certificate as competent communicator after finishing 10 projects. Absolutely, it will be useful for some college students like me.

Secondly, when and where is the meeting of UI TMC? UI TMC is always held once a week. But, it might be special meeting in a random week, so there will be two meeting in that week, that is special meeting and regular meeting. What is the different between regular meeting and special meeting? It's about the sessions. In regular meeting, there are two main sessions, it's table topic session and prepared speech session (the number of prepared speech speaker is limited). While in special meeting, there is only prepared speech session (the number of prepared speech speaker is unlimited). About the location of the meeting, at this time, it's always held in Rektorat UI building, but in some cases, it's can be in another location. 

Thirdly, why should you join UI TMC? Just like I've said before, in regular meeting, there are table topic session and prepared speech session. The table topic session is not only provided for the members but the guests can also participate. In table topic session, every speakers is given a question or something like a picture as a trigger and asked to deliver the explanation of the answer in 1 until 2 minutes. While in prepared speech  session is only provided for the members. It's the opportunity for the members to deliver their speech correlating to their own projects in around 5 until 7 minutes. What makes UI TMC different from other english club, I think, is the organization. Toastmaster Club has good standard organization that every speakers is evaluated by competent evaluator and general evaluator. Competent evaluator will evaluate the speakers in how the speaker delivered it. While general evaluator will give evaluation about the grammar error, calculation results of the number of "ah", "mmm" or other repetition phrases like "you know" that the speaker had said, and the calculation results of the "word of the day" that the speaker had said. Therefore, the speaker can improve the english skill and be more careful in using english correlating to the grammar, the number of "ah" or other repetitions, and the number "word of the day". As we know, by using correct grammar, less number of "ah" or other repetition, and more number of "word of the day", will make the audience become more understand about the speaker's speech. 

Fourthly, who is the member of UI TMC? Universitas Indonesia Toastmaster Club doesn't mean the member or the guest must come from UI students or workers, but also it's opened for all people who is interested to join this club. For example at this time, there is a member from BSI University, even there had been a guest from Binus University. But still, the majority of the members is coming from UI students. Once again, it's okay if you are not UI students or workers.

The last, how to join UI TMC. It's just a simple answer, you can go to the website of Toastmaster Club and search for UI TMC or the simplest way is just contacting the Vice President of Public Relations at the time, or if you still need more information about UI TMC, you can go to UI TMC website, follow @uitoastmaster twitter, or like UI Toastmaster Club facebook page. 

I hope this review about UI TMC can be useful for you reader. Thanks for visiting my blog :D

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