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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Say No to Overweight and Obesity, Please Be Healthy!

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In this writing, I'd like to tell you something about "Say No to Overweight and Obesity, Please Be Healthy". I want to ask you, do you routinely watch the weight? For you who routinely watch the weight, it's really good for you, keep doing that. But, for you who don't routinely watch the weight, you can start from being aware the importance of watching the weight. 

Do you know why I give so much concern about watching the weight routinely? Because, it's correlated whether you are overweight, obesity, or not. And also it's because there are some popular degenerative disease that can appear from those conditions. For example, stroke, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. Those diseases are the first, the second, and the third ranked as the uninfectious disease most likely to cause death in Indonesia. So, you need to know whether you are overweight, obesity, or not. 

In this case, there is a popular parameter to know yourself whether you are overweight, obesity, or not. It's using body mass index (BMI). You are overweight, if your BMI is in the range of 25 to 29. While you are obesity, if your BMI is more than 30. To calculate your BMI, you need to know your weight and your height. Below is the calculation formula and the example to know your BMI.

The example of calculating the BMI above means that it's normal. But, how if you are overweight or obesity? According to World Health Organization (WHO), there are two ways to overcome overweight and obesity. And also one addition way only for obesity. The two ways are keeping diet and exercise, and the addition way is using medicine. 

Firstly, it's keeping on diet. It doesn't mean the less you eat the better, but the correct line is you eat as much as your total caloric daily. In usual man needs 2200 calories, while woman need 1900 calories. So, you need to now how much your calories in your food and beverage. Below is the example how to calculate your total calories from your food and beverage.

For example, in your breakfast, you have rice for 200 calories, you have fried chicken for 400 calories, you have soup for 50 calories, and you drink milk for 100 calories. So, your total calories is 750 calories. But, it's not your total calories in a day. Because, it has not been added with your lunch and your dinner. So, you need to set a plan, what kind of food and beverage you want to eat in a day adjusted with your total caloric in a day. But, how if your total calories exceed your need? You should add your day with exercise. 

So, secondly, it's keeping on exercise, because I'm sure that most people have their total calories in a day exceed their need. So, the excess calories can be burnt by exercising. In this case, you need to know what kind of exercise and how long do you exercise to burn those excess calories. For example, if you have 400 excess calories, you can choose to burn those calories by running for 15 minutes, walking for 30 minutes, or standing for 1 hour. So, your total calories in a day will be in normal.

Thirdly, it's using medicine, only for the obesity. This people have a lot of fat to be reduce. It's not enough only keeping on diet and exercise. They need to be helped by using medicine. There are 3 medicine that is usually prescribed. They are Lorcaserine, Orlistat, and the combination of Phentermine and Topiramate Extended Release. Lorcaserine and the combination of Phentermine and Topiramate Extended Release will decrease the appetite and increase the feeling of fullness. While Orlistat will block the absorption of fat. So, it will make this people not to eat too much and more fat will be decreased. Absolutely, those medicines are able to be obtained after having consultation with the doctor. 

In conclusion, if you are overweight or obesity, or you have relatives or friends in those condition, please keep in mind to keep on diet and exercise. And for the obesity add it with using medicine.

Until here, maybe you feel it's difficult to apply those ways, because you need to calculate your total calories in a day, to know how much calories in your food and beverage, and to know what kind of exercise you want to choose to burn those calories. Please, don't be worried, the good news is there are some applications available for you to make you easier to apply those ways. You can search and download it from your playstore of android phone. 

Just like Asheleigh Brilliant said, "It can costs money to stay healthy, but it's even more expensive to get sick". So, say no to overweight and obesity, please be healthy. Thank you for visiting my blog :D

1 comment:

  1. I used to be able to find good information from your


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