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Thursday, February 05, 2015

Love in Various Perspectives

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Having a random night yesterday, I was with my friends in a law faculty building discussing about our project. The discussion agenda for that night had finished around 22:00. But, randomly, we continued the discussion about love. It's so interesting listening the opinion about love from their perspective. I also have my own opinion about love. Before that, I would like to underline that "love" we will talk about is in the meaning of love with opposite gender.

The first opinion came from P. According to P, "love is a way to tackle hatred". Actually, he didn't believe love because he couldn't distinguish his feeling whether he is in love or not. He always gives affection to others, just because he was worried getting hatred if he didn't give love for others. He gives help lovely for everyone, girls especially, just to avoid himself getting hatred. Love is a way to tackle hatred. He did it because he didn't like to be hated. If someone hates him, he will be damn hurt. That's the meaning of love from his perspective.

Different with P, R had her own perspective about love. According to R, "love is a commitment to love each other". Based on her experience, love will be found when there is someone who approaches you and gives you something that nobody has done for you. You can realize that he gives his love only for you. The time when you also like him, you like everything what he has done for you, your love for him will grow and finally both of you are in love each other. Having love each other doesn't give meaning without commitment. Every person in that relationship is not allowed to cheat. Both has to keep the promise to only love each other. That's why love is a commitment to love each other. 

Next, Y has her own opinion about love. According to Y, "love is an open the door". She said that "we will never find our mate, if we don't open our heart for someone who approaches you". Every person in a prospective relationship must open their heart each other. This is important because it's the way to know both personality each other and to decide whether both of you are matched or not. If you never open your heart for someone, you will never find your mate. But, you need to remember to open it for what it is and do not ever gives falsity. Love with falsity, truthfully it's not true love.  

The last, according to me, "love comes when we can communicate in every ways". We can have communication even only using eyes contact. Every time we get eyes contact, actually our eyes talk each other. We can read our eyes each other that we are in love. Moreover, at the time when we have a real communication, the communication runs well and our gestures tell us that honestly we still need another communication session later, because we feel, that's not enough. We need another extra times to be together in one space and one time when it feels like, the world only for us. At the time when we are in a long distance, we still communicate in a way that doesn't make sense. Every day, we miss each other randomly. Even though, there will be some people doubt that kind of relationship. It's not a problem for us, because indeed, only we both know about how we communicate and feel. The important thing in this relationship is a trust. The trust from each other makes the relationship maintained. In the proper place and time, we will be unite in marriage.

That's all about love in my friend's perspective and I. Every people has their own perspective. In the end, we have same purpose. It's to get happiness. So, how about you? What is your opinion about love?

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