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Monday, February 23, 2015

Catatan Fitokimia #4

Pada catatan ini, saya akan menjelaskan beberapa hal yang dipelajari di mata kuliah Fitokimia, yaitu metode ekstraksi, fraksinasi, metode pemurnian, dan identifikasi. 

Materi paling pertama yang akan saya beri penjelasannya adalah metode ekstraksi. Metode ekstraksi ini penting untuk diketahui agar ketika akan berupaya untuk memperoleh suatu senyawa dari simplisia tertentu dapat menentukan metode ekstraksi mana yang paling tepat. Pada dasarnya terdapat 10 macam metode ekstraksi, antara lain: 
  1. Pengocokan
  2. Maserasi
  3. Perkolasi
  4. Refluks
  5. Soxhlet
  6. Digesti
  7. Destilasi (Uap, Uap dan Air, Air)
  8. Infusa
  9. Dekokta
  10. Dengan cara lainnya (berkesinambungan, prinsip superkritik, ultrasonik, energi listrik)
Pengocokan. Metode ekstraksi ini pada prinsipnya menggunakan corong pisah dan menggunakan dua pelarut yang saling tidak bercampur sehingga dengan demikian dapat diperoleh distribusi komponen senyawa pada kedua pelarut tersebut. Metode ekstraksi ini tidak menggunakan pemanasan sehinga bisa untuk bahan simplisia yang tidak tahan panas. Mengenai pelarut yang digunakan, pelarut organik biasa digunakan dengen kepolaran yang berbeda. 

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Maserasi. Prinsip metode ekstraksi ini adalah dengan menggunakan suatu pelarut yang mana simplisia yang akan diekstraksi dimasukkan ke dalam bejana lalu ditambah dengan pelarut 75 bagian, direndam selama waktu tertentu yang pada umumnya selama 5 hari, kemudian sesekali dikocok atau diaduk. Setelah itu dapat dilakukan penyerkaian, penyaringan, dan pemerasan. Metode ekstraksi ini juga tidak menggunakan pemanasan sehingga bisa digunakan untuk bahan simplisia yang tidak tahan panas. Prinsip pemilihan pelarut juga sama pada umumnya, pelarut polar untuk menarik senyawa polar, begitu pula sebaliknya, pelarut nonpolar untuk senyawa nonpolar. 

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Perkolasi. Ekstraksi dengan metode ini pada prinsipnya penggunakan suatu alat yang disebut perkolator, bedanya dengan maserasi, perkolasi ini melakukan ekstraksi dengan metode habis-habisan yaitu menggunakan pelarut ynag selalu dibuat baru atau masih segar. Ekstraksi ini juga tidak menggunakan pemanasan sehingga sesuai untuk bahan simplisia yang tidak tahan panas. Pemilihan pelarut juga sama seperti pada umumnya.

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Refluks. Metode ekstraksi ini merupakan ekstraksi yang dilakukan dengan adanya pemanasan pada pelarut dan campuran bahan simplisianya. Dalam hal ini, dengan adanya pemanasan akan menyebabkan pelarut tersebut menguap, namun dengan adanya kondensor akan menyebabkan pelarut tersebut berbalik menjadi bentuk cair lalu kembali lagi ke arah campuran bahan simplisia dan pelarut untuk dilakukan penetrasi, disolusi, dan difusi kembali ke dalam sel simplisia tersebut sehingga pada akhirnya akan terjadi kembali proses ekstraksi. Dengan demikian, metode ekstraksi ini merupakan metode ekstraksi dengan menggunakan pemanasan, tidak sesuai untuk bahan simplisia yang tidak tahan terhadap panas. 

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Soxhlet. Prinsip ekstraksinya adalah dengan menguapkan pelarut kemudian pelarut tersebut apabila mendekati kondensor maka akan mengalami kondensasi sehingga kembali dalam bentuk cairannya dan ketika mengenai simplisia maka akan terjadi proses pengekstraksian yang kemudian hasil ekstraksi akan keluar dari tabung berpori tersebut menuju tabung siifon dan setelah itu hasil ekstrak ditampung dalam wadah. Dengan demikian, metode ini juga menggunakan pemanasan.

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Digesti. Merupakan metode ekstrasi yang dilakukan sama seperti maserasi hanya saja memerlukan temperatur pada suhu lebih tinggi dari suhu ruangan pada proses maserasi yaitu sekitar 40-50 derajat selsius. 

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Infusa. Metode ekstraksi ini dilakukan dengan pemanasan pelarut hungga 90 derajat selsius menggunakan panci khusus yang dilakukan selama 15 menit. Metode ekstraksi ini digunakan untuk bahan yang lunak dan tahan terhadap pemanasan. Pelarut yang digunakan adalah air.

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Dekokta. Memiliki prinsip ekstraksi yang sama seperti infusa, hanya saja proses ekstraksi dilakukan lebih lama sekitar 30 menit dengan suhu antara 90 sampai 98 derajat selsius. Metode ini biasa digunakan untuk bahan yang keras dan tahan terhadap pemanasan. Pelarut air juga adalah pelarut yang digunakan dalam metode ekstraksi ini. 

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Destilasi. Merupakan metode ekstraksi yang dilakukan atas dasar adanya perbedaan titik didih komponen senyawa yang dikandung pad simplisia tersebut. Pada dasarnya destilasi ada 3 macam, yaitu destilasi uap, destilasi uap dan air, serta destilasi air. Ketiganya merupakan metode ekstraksi dengan menggunakan pemanasan, bedanya, untuk destilasi uap, hanya digunanakan untuk senyawa yang bahan yang mudah menguap. Destilasi uap dan air digunakan untuk bahan berupa campuran keduanya baik yang mudah menguap dan tidak. Sementara destilasi air untuk bahan yang tidak akan menguap. Ketiganya menggunakan pelarut air. 

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Dengan cara lain. Dalam hal ini, juga terdapat metode ekstraksi dengan cara lain, seperti yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya. Untuk metode ekstraksi dengan metode kesinambungan, prinsipnya adalah menggunakan pelarut dengan berbagai macam pelarut yang disebabkan karena jumlah zat yang terlarutnya ada banyak sehingga diperlukan pula pelarut yang banyak. Metode ekstraksi dengan prinsip superkritik, didasarkan atas adanya variasi dari tekanan dan suhu sehingga dapat dilakukan ekstraksi senyawa yang diinginkan. Metode ekstraksi ultrasonik, prinsipnya menggunakan gelombang ultrasonik untuk meningkatkan permeabilitas membran sel sehingga lebih cepat proses ekstraksinya. Sementara metode ekstraksi yang menggunakan energi listrik, dilakukan dengan energi listrik sehingga dapat mempercepat proses ekstraksi.

Selanjutnya untuk materi kedua, yaitu mengenai fraksinasi. Setelah diperoleh hasil ekstraksinya, maka ekstrak perlu untuk difraksinasi atau dilakukan pemisahan antara senyawa yang diinginkan dengan senyawa lain yang masih terkandung dalam simplisia tersebut yang dalam hal ini tidak diinginkan. Fraksinasi dapat dilakukan denagn empat cara yaitu kromatografi kolom, kromatografi cair vakum, kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (KCKT), dan kromatografi gas (KG).

Kromatografi kolom. Merupakan metode fraksinasi yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan sebuah kolom yang berisi adsorben, pelarut, dan ekstraknya (sampel). Pada saat proses fraksinasi, komponen dari sampel akan bermigrasi sesuai dengan sifatnya. Akan ada yang keluar terlebih dahulu dari kolom dan akan ada pula yang tertahan lebih lama sehingga keluar belakangan, dengan demikian akan didapatkan fraksi pada satu waktu suatu senyawa yang sama yang memiliki kemiripan sifat yang asma. Kelebihannya metode fraksinasi ini adalah dapat digunakan baik analisis maupun preparatif. Kekurangannya, diperlukan kemampuan teknik untuk mempersiapkan kolom, dibutuhkan waktu yang lama, serta jumlah sampel yang digunakan terbatas (tidak bisa terlalu banyak). Seperti fraksinasi pada umumnya, terdapat fase diam dan fase gerak yang mana dalam hal ini pelarut atau fase geraknya disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Syaratnya, pelarut tidak boleh menguap. Untuk fase diam atau adsorben tidak boleh bereaksi, tidak boleh bersifat katalis, dan diperlukan ukuran partikel yang seragam. 

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Kromatografi cair vakum (KCV).  Metode fraksinasi ini merupakan modifikasi dari kromatografi kolom yang mana pada KCV ini terdapat adanya pompa vakum yang menyebabkan tekanan pada kolom menjadi lebih rendah dari tekanan atmosfer di sekitarnya sehingga menyebabkan aliran elusi menjadi lebih cepat sehingga kelebihannya dibanding kromatografi kolom, metode ini lebih cepat. Sementara itu, kekurannya masih sama, yaitu masih diperlukan kemampuan teknik dalam mempersiap kolom dan sampel yang digunakan juga masih dalam jumlah yang terbatas. Dalam metode ini, diperlukan fase gerak berupa landaian, yaitu elusi dimulai dari pelarut nonpolar, semipolar, hingga polar. Fase diam yang biasa digunakan biasanya silika. 

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Kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (KCKT). Merupakan metode fraksinasi dengan kecepatan dan efisiensi yang tinggi karena memiliki kemajuan dalam teknologi kolom, sistem pompa tekanan tinggi, dan detektor yang sensitif sehingga kelebihannya adalah dapat menganalisis sampel dalam jumlah yang kecil, mudah dikontrol, dan hasilnya peka. Meskipun demikian, kelemahannya, alat ini masih mahal untuk diperoleh, selain itu untuk fase gerak berupa pelarut organik, harganya juga masih mahal. Terkait adsorben, biasanya digunakan silika. Variasi adsorben tergantung kebutuhan. 

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Kromatografi gas (KG). Metode fraksinasi ini menggunakan gas sebagai fase gerak yang mana memiliki kecepatan dan efisiensi yang tinggi juga seperti KCKT, kelebihanya dibandingkan dengan KCKT adalah jumlah sampel dapat lebih sedikit dari KCKT. Kekurangannya, selain harganya yang mahal, juga tidak dapat digunakan untuk sampel yang tidak mudah menguap. Adsorben yang biasa digunakan bisa berupa padat atau cair. 

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Kemudian untuk materi ketiga, yaitu mengenai metode pemurnian. Pada dasarnya, metode pemurnian ada 3 macam, yaitu kromatografi kertas, kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT), dan kromatotron,

Kromatografi kertas. Prinsip metode pemurnian ini adalah adanya partisi multiplikasi suatu senyawa antara dua cairan yang saling tidak bercampur. Kelebihan penggunaan metode ini adalah mudah dan sederhana pelaksanaannya. Kekurangannya, panjang kertas hanya bisa sampai 50 cm dan juga adanya keterbatasn pada parameter senyawa yang diuji. 

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Kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT). Merupakan metode untuk mengidentifikasi ada atau tidaknya senyawa tertentu kemudian pengidentfikasiannya dilakukan dengen membandingkan Rf senyawa yang diuji dengan senyawa murni. Metode ini lebih akurat dibandingkan dengan kromatografi kertas. Kekurannya, ukurannya tidak ada yang besar. Adsorben yang digunakan bisa berupa silika, alumina, atau tanah diatom. 

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Kromatotron. Merupakan metode identifikasi seperti KLT, hanya saja kromatotron ini menghasilkan hasil yang lebih cepat karena adanya sentrifugasi.

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Materi terakhir yang menjadi pembahasan ini adalah identifikasi. Pada dasarnya tujuan identifikasi adalah untuk memastikan bahwa senyawa yang diperoleh adalah benar-benar senyawa yang diinginkan. Oleh karena itu identifikasi dapat dilakukan dengan cara penentuan spektrum UV, IR, HNMR, dan MS. Selain itu, perlu juga untuk disertai dengan data fisik umum seperti titik leleh, rotasi optik, dan Rf. 

Setiap senyawa memiliki semacam sidik jari, yang antara satu senyawa dengan senyawa lainnya tidak mungkin sama. Dalam hal ini, setiap senyawa akan memiliki spektrum UV dan IR-nya sendiri, sehingga akan bisa menentukan senyawa yang diperoleh benar senyawa yang dimaksud atau bukan dengan melihat spektrumnya tersebut. Terkait dengan spektrum UV, biasanya akan diperlukan pereaksi geser untuk menentukan spektrum UV yang dimaksud. Sementara dengan mengetahui spektrum HNMR, akan dapat diperoleh informasi rumus kimia senyawa yang dimaksud. Adanya spektrum HNMR ini, akan sudah jelas dan pasti. Ditambah, informasi MS, maka bobot molekul dari senyawa tersebut akan diketahui maka akan dapat lebih meyakinkan lagi bahwa senyawa yang diperoleh adalah senyawa yang dimaksud. 

Terkait data fisik seperti titik leleh, rotasi optik, dan Rf, tiap senyawa juga berbeda-beda, tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan ada dua senyawa yang memiliki data fisik yang sama. Oleh karena itu identifikasi perlu dilanjutkan dengan identifikasi seperti yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, yaitu dengan menentukan spektrum UV, IR, HNMR, dan MS.

Demikian yang dapat saya sampaikan. Mohon maaf apabila terdapat kesalahan. Semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih sudah berkunjung :D

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Say No to Overweight and Obesity, Please Be Healthy!

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In this writing, I'd like to tell you something about "Say No to Overweight and Obesity, Please Be Healthy". I want to ask you, do you routinely watch the weight? For you who routinely watch the weight, it's really good for you, keep doing that. But, for you who don't routinely watch the weight, you can start from being aware the importance of watching the weight. 

Do you know why I give so much concern about watching the weight routinely? Because, it's correlated whether you are overweight, obesity, or not. And also it's because there are some popular degenerative disease that can appear from those conditions. For example, stroke, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. Those diseases are the first, the second, and the third ranked as the uninfectious disease most likely to cause death in Indonesia. So, you need to know whether you are overweight, obesity, or not. 

In this case, there is a popular parameter to know yourself whether you are overweight, obesity, or not. It's using body mass index (BMI). You are overweight, if your BMI is in the range of 25 to 29. While you are obesity, if your BMI is more than 30. To calculate your BMI, you need to know your weight and your height. Below is the calculation formula and the example to know your BMI.

The example of calculating the BMI above means that it's normal. But, how if you are overweight or obesity? According to World Health Organization (WHO), there are two ways to overcome overweight and obesity. And also one addition way only for obesity. The two ways are keeping diet and exercise, and the addition way is using medicine. 

Firstly, it's keeping on diet. It doesn't mean the less you eat the better, but the correct line is you eat as much as your total caloric daily. In usual man needs 2200 calories, while woman need 1900 calories. So, you need to now how much your calories in your food and beverage. Below is the example how to calculate your total calories from your food and beverage.

For example, in your breakfast, you have rice for 200 calories, you have fried chicken for 400 calories, you have soup for 50 calories, and you drink milk for 100 calories. So, your total calories is 750 calories. But, it's not your total calories in a day. Because, it has not been added with your lunch and your dinner. So, you need to set a plan, what kind of food and beverage you want to eat in a day adjusted with your total caloric in a day. But, how if your total calories exceed your need? You should add your day with exercise. 

So, secondly, it's keeping on exercise, because I'm sure that most people have their total calories in a day exceed their need. So, the excess calories can be burnt by exercising. In this case, you need to know what kind of exercise and how long do you exercise to burn those excess calories. For example, if you have 400 excess calories, you can choose to burn those calories by running for 15 minutes, walking for 30 minutes, or standing for 1 hour. So, your total calories in a day will be in normal.

Thirdly, it's using medicine, only for the obesity. This people have a lot of fat to be reduce. It's not enough only keeping on diet and exercise. They need to be helped by using medicine. There are 3 medicine that is usually prescribed. They are Lorcaserine, Orlistat, and the combination of Phentermine and Topiramate Extended Release. Lorcaserine and the combination of Phentermine and Topiramate Extended Release will decrease the appetite and increase the feeling of fullness. While Orlistat will block the absorption of fat. So, it will make this people not to eat too much and more fat will be decreased. Absolutely, those medicines are able to be obtained after having consultation with the doctor. 

In conclusion, if you are overweight or obesity, or you have relatives or friends in those condition, please keep in mind to keep on diet and exercise. And for the obesity add it with using medicine.

Until here, maybe you feel it's difficult to apply those ways, because you need to calculate your total calories in a day, to know how much calories in your food and beverage, and to know what kind of exercise you want to choose to burn those calories. Please, don't be worried, the good news is there are some applications available for you to make you easier to apply those ways. You can search and download it from your playstore of android phone. 

Just like Asheleigh Brilliant said, "It can costs money to stay healthy, but it's even more expensive to get sick". So, say no to overweight and obesity, please be healthy. Thank you for visiting my blog :D

Thursday, February 12, 2015

UI Toastmasters Club

In this writing, I'd like to review about a club, named Universitas Indonesia Toastmaster Club (UI TMC) that I've already joined as the member. I heard about Toastmaster Club firstly is when I was in leadership training of Yayasan Goodwill International. The topic of the meeting is about public speaking. The facilitator recommended us to join Toastmaster Club if we would like to improve our confidence in public speaking especially in using english. 

One day, my friend asked me to join UI TMC as a guest. Actually, she had already been the member. I was surprised because there is a Toastmaster Club branch in our college. At this point, I am going to begin reviewing UI TMC using 5W + 1H formula, which is comprised of what UI TMC is, when and where the meeting of UI TMC is, why you should join UI TMC, who is the member of UI TMC, and how to join UI TMC.

Firstly, what UI TMC is just like I've said before, UI TMC is the branch of Toastmaster Club International. It's a club at international scale and the head office is located in California, USA. Why is Toastmaster Club an international Club? It's because Toastmaster Club has a lot of branches in almost all countries. Moreover, in Indonesia, there are a lot of branches, including UI TMC. In this case, it's showing one of the advantages by joining UI TMC that is the member can get international certificate as competent communicator after finishing 10 projects. Absolutely, it will be useful for some college students like me.

Secondly, when and where is the meeting of UI TMC? UI TMC is always held once a week. But, it might be special meeting in a random week, so there will be two meeting in that week, that is special meeting and regular meeting. What is the different between regular meeting and special meeting? It's about the sessions. In regular meeting, there are two main sessions, it's table topic session and prepared speech session (the number of prepared speech speaker is limited). While in special meeting, there is only prepared speech session (the number of prepared speech speaker is unlimited). About the location of the meeting, at this time, it's always held in Rektorat UI building, but in some cases, it's can be in another location. 

Thirdly, why should you join UI TMC? Just like I've said before, in regular meeting, there are table topic session and prepared speech session. The table topic session is not only provided for the members but the guests can also participate. In table topic session, every speakers is given a question or something like a picture as a trigger and asked to deliver the explanation of the answer in 1 until 2 minutes. While in prepared speech  session is only provided for the members. It's the opportunity for the members to deliver their speech correlating to their own projects in around 5 until 7 minutes. What makes UI TMC different from other english club, I think, is the organization. Toastmaster Club has good standard organization that every speakers is evaluated by competent evaluator and general evaluator. Competent evaluator will evaluate the speakers in how the speaker delivered it. While general evaluator will give evaluation about the grammar error, calculation results of the number of "ah", "mmm" or other repetition phrases like "you know" that the speaker had said, and the calculation results of the "word of the day" that the speaker had said. Therefore, the speaker can improve the english skill and be more careful in using english correlating to the grammar, the number of "ah" or other repetitions, and the number "word of the day". As we know, by using correct grammar, less number of "ah" or other repetition, and more number of "word of the day", will make the audience become more understand about the speaker's speech. 

Fourthly, who is the member of UI TMC? Universitas Indonesia Toastmaster Club doesn't mean the member or the guest must come from UI students or workers, but also it's opened for all people who is interested to join this club. For example at this time, there is a member from BSI University, even there had been a guest from Binus University. But still, the majority of the members is coming from UI students. Once again, it's okay if you are not UI students or workers.

The last, how to join UI TMC. It's just a simple answer, you can go to the website of Toastmaster Club and search for UI TMC or the simplest way is just contacting the Vice President of Public Relations at the time, or if you still need more information about UI TMC, you can go to UI TMC website, follow @uitoastmaster twitter, or like UI Toastmaster Club facebook page. 

I hope this review about UI TMC can be useful for you reader. Thanks for visiting my blog :D

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How To Do Productive Things

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Maybe sometimes, you feel the life goes slowly and boring. But, when checking friends' activities through social media makes you ask to your own self, 
"What kind of activities I have done all this time actually when my friends have done so many things? What is the different between them and I?" 
To prove that you also can do same things like them, you feel you need to do something energetic, productive, and good quality too. But, there are a lot of constrains causing you to procrastinate doing that kind of things. Beginning from you don't know how and when you get started, getting bad response from others, until curious to know how to keep persistence. 

In this case, never look all of the constrains mentioned before as the problems causing you can not move on to do better things for your life. But, make it as a series of steps to do it that is comprised of getting started, anticipating bad response from others, and keeping persistence.

How to get started? Firstly, you need to know what kind of productive things you desire to do. For example you want to participate in an organization, seminar, workshop, conference, or competition. Then, make a list of all of productive things you want to do, but I suggest you to write down every single things you want to do and adjust it with your capacity. Some people maybe write down so many things they want to do but actually they can't afford all of it because it's over their capacity, so at the end, it's just meaningless and only distracting their focus. After this, execute the things one by one. The important thing in this step is executing because without executing, it's just like "talk more but do less" the correct line is "talk less but do more".

Addition for this first step is to explore what other steps you need to realize one of the productive things you want to do. For example, if you want to participate in a scientific paper competition, you need to explore the theme of the competition, seek literature from library, have consultation with the lecturer, arrange the sentences into a paragraph and paragraphs into full writing, until finally you are ready to submit your scientific paper to the committee.  

The second step is anticipating bad response from others. Maybe you ask why you need to anticipate this. The answer is because sometimes, while executing your productive things in your way, there will be bad response from others. In your way means there are a lot of ways to do that, but your way may create dislike from others but actually it's not a wrong and just subjective. In this case, as long as it's true, you need to be focus with your way, never listen what they say and never pay attention how they look at you. What they say about you and how they look at you are only making you down. Never give up and keep full of spirits. Later, your success is the tremendous bomb for them. 

Lastly, after you have settled rhythm in doing your productive things, you need to keep persistence. The key is discipline. To keep you always in discipline, you need to provide appreciation if you succeed to do it and punishment if you failed. For example, if you succeed to finish your paper, in the weekend you will pamper yourself by having body treatment at beauty shop or if you failed, you are ready to offer help for your friends. Becoming discipline is not an easy things, you need to practice and practice again so many times until it's enough for you to make you discipline. Just believe, at the end you will become an expert in disciplining your own self in your own way. 

In conclusion, there are three steps to do productive things that is getting started, anticipating bad response from others, and keeping persistence. I hope, my suggestions can help you get better life. Have a nice day anyway! 

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Love in Various Perspectives

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Having a random night yesterday, I was with my friends in a law faculty building discussing about our project. The discussion agenda for that night had finished around 22:00. But, randomly, we continued the discussion about love. It's so interesting listening the opinion about love from their perspective. I also have my own opinion about love. Before that, I would like to underline that "love" we will talk about is in the meaning of love with opposite gender.

The first opinion came from P. According to P, "love is a way to tackle hatred". Actually, he didn't believe love because he couldn't distinguish his feeling whether he is in love or not. He always gives affection to others, just because he was worried getting hatred if he didn't give love for others. He gives help lovely for everyone, girls especially, just to avoid himself getting hatred. Love is a way to tackle hatred. He did it because he didn't like to be hated. If someone hates him, he will be damn hurt. That's the meaning of love from his perspective.

Different with P, R had her own perspective about love. According to R, "love is a commitment to love each other". Based on her experience, love will be found when there is someone who approaches you and gives you something that nobody has done for you. You can realize that he gives his love only for you. The time when you also like him, you like everything what he has done for you, your love for him will grow and finally both of you are in love each other. Having love each other doesn't give meaning without commitment. Every person in that relationship is not allowed to cheat. Both has to keep the promise to only love each other. That's why love is a commitment to love each other. 

Next, Y has her own opinion about love. According to Y, "love is an open the door". She said that "we will never find our mate, if we don't open our heart for someone who approaches you". Every person in a prospective relationship must open their heart each other. This is important because it's the way to know both personality each other and to decide whether both of you are matched or not. If you never open your heart for someone, you will never find your mate. But, you need to remember to open it for what it is and do not ever gives falsity. Love with falsity, truthfully it's not true love.  

The last, according to me, "love comes when we can communicate in every ways". We can have communication even only using eyes contact. Every time we get eyes contact, actually our eyes talk each other. We can read our eyes each other that we are in love. Moreover, at the time when we have a real communication, the communication runs well and our gestures tell us that honestly we still need another communication session later, because we feel, that's not enough. We need another extra times to be together in one space and one time when it feels like, the world only for us. At the time when we are in a long distance, we still communicate in a way that doesn't make sense. Every day, we miss each other randomly. Even though, there will be some people doubt that kind of relationship. It's not a problem for us, because indeed, only we both know about how we communicate and feel. The important thing in this relationship is a trust. The trust from each other makes the relationship maintained. In the proper place and time, we will be unite in marriage.

That's all about love in my friend's perspective and I. Every people has their own perspective. In the end, we have same purpose. It's to get happiness. So, how about you? What is your opinion about love?