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Saturday, October 04, 2014

Be Positive!

What is the purpose of your life? Are we having the same purpose? As the human created by the God, we must have same purpose. To do good deeds? But why there are various type of people. Are those people haven't found the true purpose of their life yet? Or are they having another purposes? 

Have you ever thought why is your soul in your body? why are you in who you are now? why is your soul not in other bodies? or why must you be trapped in a body? Or you extremely ask, why must you be a human? 

At the time when you just awake, at your 20s ages, that the life is really cruel, the life is really difficult, those questions appear. The life becomes cruel when the people pressure you over your capacities, the life becomes difficult when you meet people with bad temper and characteristic. You just awake you need to survive among this color of the life. 

Then what will you do? You can't go back to your child ages, you can't go back to the time when you never think about the life, you can't go back when you have your mother and your father as your protector. And absolutely you can't go back and ask to God not to create you. Then, what can you do?

Blaming yourself? Why do you blame youself?
Giving up? Why are you giving up?
Mourning your miserable life? Why are you mourning your miserable life? What kind of your life that is miserable?
Doing nothing? Why are you doing nothing?

You just need to go back to your true purpose of your life. To do good deeds? Just keep doing that, ignore other people that don't have same purpose as you. The life is so cruel? Don't worry how cruel the life is. After undesirable things happen to you, believe that there is something beautiful behinds that.

There are people that don't like you? The key is only one word: ignore.
Ignore what people had done to you that make you feel sad.
Ignore what people talk about you that make you feel angry.
Ignore what people stare toward you that make you feel uncomfortable.

What people did to you, talked about you, stared to you, they just don't know who you are. 

Think that you are invisible then it will make you feel more relaxed among them. The best choice is becoming the true of yourself. You doesn't need to be someone. Keep doing what you think is the best. Never again be sad, angry, or uncomfortable. Be more relaxed, patient, and positive.

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