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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Curious or Care?

Sometimes you feel curious about something. It could be about country's news, celebrity news, or your friend news. Nowadays, you could find all about your friends' news through social media, such as facebook, twitter, path, instagram, etc. But remember, you have friends with different characteristic. One is maybe really open up, while another one is may be really a closed person. 

There are maybe still another informations that your friend won't to share. You maybe feel curious about it. Is it alright to ask your friend about that? You need to be wise first. You have to decide what is your intention asking that? Are you just curious or you care?

If you just curious, never asking about that. Stop your curiosity. You will never be crazy about it, believe me. If your friend makes a pressure that it's her private information or her secret, never give so much forces in order to feed your curiosity. Just let the curiosity goes by the time. Give your friend a space to keep the secret.  

But if you care, it will be really nice. Your friend will be really pleased having you as her friend. Your presence could be useful. But, for some reasons, even though you care, your friend maybe won't to share about that to you. It maybe because you are not her best friend. You have to look in front of the mirror, talk with yourself whether you are qualified as her best friends or whether she recognize you as her best friend. If you are not worth enough to be her best friend, never asking about that. It sometimes leave hurts to her. 

She really knows who is her best friends. She could tell every single of her secrets easily to her best friends. If she just shut her mouth up or just waving the conversations, she maybe recognize you as not her bestfriends. So stop forcely asking to her. 

My last sentence, remember a quote that said, "It's better to be silent than talkative".

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