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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Please Stop It!

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For someone who always look negative to me,

firstly, I want to introduce myself. My name is Nurul Fajry Maulida. My father gives that beautiful name because it has its own meaning. Nurul for the light, Fajry for the dawn (because I was born at dawn), and Maulida for the month of "maulid" that moslems usually celebrate for the born of prophet Muhammad. My parents hope I can be the light for the people around me. When at the college my nickname has changed to Nuri, not Nurul anymore (though there still my friends called me Nurul), it's not my problem. I make it into a pray that the meaning of Nuri in arabic language means my light. I hope I can be every people's light when they called me Nuri. Just call me and I can be your light.

For someone who always look negative to me,

since I was child, I was taught to be honest and responsible. Telling a lie is not my style. I have to tell the reality even though it's wrong, it will hurt someone, it will disappointed someone or not. I will take the consequence whatever it is. Responsibility is a must. I never intend to hurt people by not fulfilling the tasks. If some tasks hasn't been fulfilled by me, far in my heart, I keep thinking and pushing me to fulfill that soon. 

For someone who always look negative to me,

Please stop it and throw far away things about suspicion  that I stole something. I never do that f*cking things. Hello!? It was taught since elementary school that stealing is a wrong. I knew it and I am good girl, never think to do that, and never do that f*cking things, I told it once again. One of my weakness is I am too easy to sense something and sense how do people feel. If in the classroom there is a case of stealing something, when we all in the classroom were interrogated, my feeling will try to sense how do the thief feel (if I were the thief, I will be panic and sweating). Maybe, the impact if I were the interrogator, I would suspect that person who is panic and sweating. In that condition, I will be suspected whereas I am not the thief. It's my weakness. I don't know how to throw away that bad habits. I have told to my parents, and my parents pushed me to throw away that bad habits as soon as possible, "It's truly will harm you". But, in some conditions, if I met someone who homeless, I will feel how do that person feel, I will feel really sad. Then, it's not a wrong. 

For someone who always look negative to me,

I know I'm not good in arranging money. But I always try not to give disadvantages to people involved. If after counting the budget then there is a rest of money was  less than it should be, I will cover the deficiency with my own money even though I don't know because of what there is still deficiency for the budget. I am not good in arranging money then you think I am playing the money for the sake of personal enjoyment? No, It's genuinely wrong!!! Don't slander me without any evidence. If I know it's wrong, it's wrong, so why should I do that?

For someone who always look negative to me,

One thing that you should know: Nobody's perfect. I'm not perfect and I see you are not perfect too. Just accept me as I am. The last thing I want to say to you, please stop looking negative to me. Far in my heart, I always try to be positive and avoid the negative one. Maybe you always look negative to me, because you don't know the truly who I am but you act as you know everything about me. Two years is not enough to know the truly of me.