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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Visiting Coca-Cola Indonesia Company

In the middle of UAS (the final examination in every term), Goodwillers have a chance to visit Coca-Cola Indonesia Company located in Sudirman, Jakarta, because the company intended to give us a socialization about Graduate Training Program. We went there by bikun (the official college bus).

I'm not intended to write my travelling journal. I just want to share an information about Graduate Training Program held by Coca-Cola Company for fresh graduate who want to join Coca Cola Company. The steps are submitting CV, waiting for the interview, attend the FGD (or LGD, I forgot the exactly about the event), then I'm not really sure after that if I wasn't wrong after that we will be officially passed the recruitment for GTP participant.

Become GTP participant, we will make a contract with the company, we will become permanent employee after passing the last step in GTP. There are a lot of activities in GTP, the first activities is all about knowing your partner well, then you will get activities to know well about the company, also you will be given an issue that you have to give brilliant idea by your analytical thinking, you will work in a team, doing a project, then in the final you have to present a good presentation in front of senior manager even the director (if I'm not wrong). During the GTP, there are an assessment, to make them know your performance and to determine you are matched or not with the company. If you have good performance, you will become a permanent employee then become the supervisor in one year. After that, you'are also able to become manager but it depends on your performance.

The core competencies that Coca-Cola Indonesia Company needs are leadership skill, presentation skill, technical skill, and good attitude. Having high GPA is not enough, you must have soft skill that you can get during having an organization in your college. 

That's all that I can share. I hope it will be useful for you. Success for you :)

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