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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Three Definitions of True Friend (in My Opinion)

There are a lot of definitions of true friend, one of them define true friend as:

 (taken from this)

For my opinion, I define a true friend as:
  1. Friend who makes friend with you sincerely. She accepts whoever you are. She doesn't mind about your weakness. For example if you have a broken family, while the others never think to make friend with you because of your background, your true friend will accept whatever your condition, and she will support you to do another good things and tell you that never listen what people say about your background but you have to do something that will surprise them then make them realize who you are truly.
  2. Friend who really know every single thing about you even your parents never know about that. Your true friend will be the first person that know with whom you are interested and she definitely keeps it secret. Or another example, while the others forget about your birthday, she will be the first person who says happy birthday to you and surprise you with something. She will never hurt you by inviting you to celebrate other people's birthday in your birthday.
  3. Friend who never leave you when you have some problems. She will be the first person who sits beside you to listen about your problems and tries as she can to help you solving the problems. If you have helped her to solve her problems before, she never forget your kindness and she will do everything even it will sacrifice her time only to listen and give some advices to your problems as you've also treated her like that before.
That's all my three definitions of true friend that true friend is a friend who makes friend with you sincerely, a friend who really know every single thing about you, and a friend who never leave you when you have some problems. If you want to know if she/he is your true friend or not, you can check this out.

"I am not afraid with the hater, but I am afraid with the friend that in my front pretends to hug me." -someone

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