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Sunday, December 04, 2011

Visiting Rumah Singgah Bina Tulus Hati

I want to share my story about my visiting to rumah singgah Bina Tulus Hati. I visited it with my other friends, the following picture is about my picture together with my friends. From the left, it's Rere, Nurul (me), Anna, Ainina, Gabby, Gina, Sari, and Tasya. Actually there is a kid, he is one of the kids who usually go to this home.

The reason why we visited that, is because we are given by HMD Dermatol (one of the divisions in department organization) an assignment to teach the kids in that place.

We visited that on Saturday, November, 12th 2011. That place is located in a housing at the back of ITC Depok mall. We left for that place together from MIPA faculty on 03.30 pm. And we arrived in that place on 4.30 pm.

The first time we visited that place, we didn't expect how enthusiastic the kids was, they directly approached us and kissed our hand (it is a habit of Indonesian people that every younger person should kiss the hand of a person that is older than them). We felt that our attendance was really expected by them. Before we taught them, we were given by our mentor, what kind of kids that we had to teach, so there was a person that taught kids that is in the first grade of elementary school, also there is a person that taught kids that is in the second grade of elementary school, and so on. 

These are the pictures when we were teaching them.
It's Gabby and Ainina when they were teaching the kids
It's Tasya and the kids
It's me together with the kids who were seriously studying

It's Gina and Rere with the kids

It's Sari and the kids
It's Anna and the kid
 When the time to study was over, before the kids went home, we gave them snacks, in order to make them happy studying together with us.


That's all the story about my visiting to rumah Singgah Bina Tulus Hati, I hope I can go back to that place and back to teach them again. Because if it's not us as a college student, who will make the Indonesian generation intelligent?

Thanks for reading my post ^.^

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